Szanowny Pan Leszek,
I suppose that there are some models of FW-190 inside Fw-190 Family, which cannot be found at SAS forum now.
Also many of files/classfiles are reworked to be compatible with 4.12. "Clean" Fw-190D-9 early doesn't work in 4.12 (freezes with 4.09 and 4.10 variants), "Clean" Fw-190F-8/U-1 doesn't work in 4.12 (empty screen, full replace of 3d model, changes in classfiles), Fw-190D-9 Late (with new tail Askania gyro, crashes if You try open cockpit in air, Askania gyro doesn't work), Fw-190D-11 (crashes in air if You try to open cockpit in air, not full loadout), Fw-190A-5/U-14 (problems with gears in scramble misssions) etc etc etc.
Also the "190" combined with Fw-190 retextured cockpits, which classfiles mostly are not compatible with 4.12 (neither those for 4.09 nor for 4.10) too.
You may try to install them. The game freezes ot once. Plus empty spaces thus point of view changed for all cockpits. Plus cockpit files for Fw-190F/G don't work properly with Fw-190 retextured cockpits.
So, please believe a lot of time and efforts were spent to combine all this and I don't suppose that Fw-190 Family for 4.12 is a simple compilation of all "190". In any case anybody may find separate mods of FW-190's models used in this collection, install them "cleanly" and then to see results and difference.
Fw-190 Family for 4.12 doesn't require any changes in default entries. Simply add these planes to default ones.
With best regards,
Sure, at the end of the list 
It seems to be the set of all "190" existing at SAS forum.
What to do with the original entries in the configuration files - I'm using "clean" ( no mods ) instalation v 4.12