New static objects + retextures - Part 5Download --
Notice = I am sorry for the mistake in this previous download, I forgot to add an extra
folder so as to install this pack properly into your game.
ALL of these objects go into...
Your game folder/MapMods/3do/Buildings/___these new object folders__ I have already posted a new download folder if you still have any problems.
Here is a new package with some retextured skins and some new static objects
for your IL2-1946 game, which also includes all of the IL2+mods games.
Some brand new static objects, so you must add the available static.ini lines into
the game version you are playing.
Some are repainted objects, so just overwrite the old skin files.
No need for new static.ini lines.
Some objects will be placed into already available folders which come with the original game and
also with the IL2+Mods versions. Just so it makes it easier for you to install.
Just copy and paste the folders into the game.
Use them if you which.
Here is what is inside this new package...
Ten (10) new Huts for all African, Asian and all Pacific island maps.
These new folders go in here... Mapmods\3do\Buildings\Huts
- Hut_type01 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type02 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type03 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type04 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type05 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type06 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type07 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type08 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type09 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- Hut_type10 --- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
Beware, some are huts and houses where cannibal tribes live.





Two (2) retextured airplane blast-pens to add more eye-candy to your Pacific island maps.
These folders go in here... Mapmods\3do\Buildings\Pacific
- BlastPen_CoralSand_Large --- retextured skins - no need for new static.ini
- BlastPen_CoralSand_Small --- retextured skins - no need for new static.ini
A brand new set of Industrial Refinery "Oil Pipes".
Now you can recreate on your maps the PLoesti oil refinery mission of WW2 and many others.
These folders go in here... Mapmods\3do\Buildings\Industrial
- OilPipes_00Connect -- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- OilPipes_01Small ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- OilPipes_02Big ------ New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- OilPipes_03Large ---- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
- OilPipes_04Long ----- New static object + skins - Add new static.ini
I have also added the static.ini lines for the damaged/dead objects, in case you
need to create an oil refinery that is already destroyed in your maps.
Just connect the available pieces you want and have fun. More pieces will be posted soon.


A selection of retextured old Roman/Greek Ruins for your game maps.
These objects may be already in your game, so check to see before you overwrite these
new skin files.
If you do not have these, just add the new folder and the new static.ini lines.
More ruins will be posted soon.
These folders go in here... Mapmods\3do\Buildings\Mideast
- Jwalls (3 objects) ------- retextured skins
...Tower Gate / Wall / Tower
- RomanRuins (4 objects) --- retextured skins
... Ruins / Amphitheater large / Amphitheater small / city gate tower

All credits go to the original creators and artists of these fine models.
Thank you all!
IL2-1946 would not be the same cool game without them.
I hope you enjoy them and have a great time.