OK, I have just extracted all my SFS files once again, and there is nothing on these 2 Ruin folders ???
Where they go?
There has to be a folder containing the model and skins files. I have checked all the other models in the Mideast folder
and none contain in their files any reference leading to a Ruins and Ruins2 objects.
They are very bright orange and yellow colored. Very ugly looking rocks. Not real looking enough for our cool IL2 game.
Wait, maybe... unless, these "ruins" point in the direction of the "JWalls" or some other Mideast building file?
Strange, but it could be. I will re-check again. But it does not make any sence, because these do not look like any other
object inside this game
AND I have just repainted the "Jwalls" (3 objects already posted) and also retextured our
Pyramids and Sphinx models. So these walls are still the same bright orange-yellow color! So the their skins have nothing
to do with other models.
This is driving me nuts and I could have been painting stuff
for the last 2 hours and I am wasting time