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Author Topic: Map of Poland W.I.P.  (Read 90551 times)

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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2013, 06:06:14 AM »

Cool Uzin, will you use autopop?
I am not yet decided to do it, perhaps try it.
I used it at Estonia map, but removing of bugs (buildings in rivers and on roads) took so much time
that at Belarus_1916 I preferred copy/paste method, with immediate repairing most of mistakes.


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2013, 02:29:47 AM »

I see. Hope to see fully populated as Poland was a populous country.


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2013, 05:42:57 AM »

Remember, that it takes considerably longer to create a mod than a pretty screen shot


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2013, 09:48:35 AM »

Maybe this link can help: http://polski.mapywig.org/viewpage.php?page_id=7
Thank you very much for this info, I am going to study it immediately.

As for land textures, I think the similar ones as at Belarus1916 map might be acceptable.
Now, when I have rails and highways placed,  I started to locate cities and villages.
As for  that matter, it is a huge task, it will take a lot of time, even without landmarks yet.
Perhaps I shall begin with larger cities, then add the smaller vilages at the users' request ?


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2013, 12:20:44 PM »

I think autopop is the way to go, really. It saves a lot of time, and you can correct any errors later.


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2013, 02:58:54 PM »

I think autopop is the way to go, really. It saves a lot of time, and you can correct any errors later.
You may be right.
But at present, my problem is , at which size of population to stop the city/village to be included into the map. Should it be 10000, 5000 or what amount of citizens in 1939 ?
Surely nobody can expect that there would be all the settled points included in the map, regardless their size.
Any opinions on that matter would be appreciated.
Up to date, the following cities were included:

72771 114506 7 1 2 0 Breslau
331566 240578 7 1 2 0 Warsaw
178313 35788 7 1 2 0 Katowice
269397 5427 7 1 2 0 Krakow
304096 83981 7 1 1 0 Kielce
351033 144888 7 1 0 0 Radom
420270 143902 7 1 1 0 Lublin
232289 196752 7 1 1 0 Lodz
66506 262294 7 1 1 0 Poznan
34216 194698 7 1 0 0 Leszno
420047 229185 7 1 0 0 Siedlce
142650 189523 7 1 0 0 Kalisz
240653 153669 7 1 0 0 Piotrkov Trybunalski
404452 9874 7 1 1 0 Rzeszow
209085 78646 7 1 0 0 Czestochowa
177579 333834 7 1 0 0 Torun
248238 274550 7 1 0 0 Plock
137166 343632 7 1 1 0 Bydgoszcz
334198 397995 7 1 1 0 Allenstein
475383 340954 7 1 1 0 Bialystok
151390 51553 7 1 1 0 Gleiwitz
130777 70324 7 1 1 0 Oppeln
35026 342733 7 1 1 0 Schneidemúhl
173350 382877 7 1 0 0 Grudziadz
210051 364496 7 1 0 0 Grodnica
404849 346290 7 1 0 0 Lomza
369824 332348 7 1 0 0 Ostroleka
310656 311945 7 1 0 0 Ciechanow
155935 236455 7 1 0 0 Konin
101472 278773 7 1 0 0 Gniezno
478197 221436 7 1 0 0 Biala Podlaska
385790 67381 7 1 0 0 Sandomierz
424135 50192 7 1 0 0 Stalowa Wola
352735 38292 7 1 0 0 Tarnobrzeg
342409 7188 7 1 0 0 Tarnow
84653 49752 7 1 0 0 Nysa
170823 132823 7 1 0 0 Wielun
93017 130489 7 1 0 0 Olesnica
134060 138853 7 1 0 0 Kiepno
61365 16137 7 1 0 0 Jeseník
35026 44745 7 1 0 0 Klodzko
3300 52264 7 1 0 0 Broumov



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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2013, 05:50:47 PM »

I think my South Ukraine map took it down to about 3,000 and I ended up with a couple of hundred villages. It took weeks and weeks to populate. OTOH, most of those villages were referred to in campaign maps and accounts. So what do you do?


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #67 on: September 13, 2013, 01:42:36 AM »

I think my South Ukraine map took it down to about 3,000 and I ended up with a couple of hundred villages. It took weeks and weeks to populate. OTOH, most of those villages were referred to in campaign maps and accounts. So what do you do?
Thanks for encouraging post.
What I shall do ? Hard Labour !  ;)

South Ukraine: 520 city/villages
Estonia : 171
Belarus_v2:  115
uzav_EastBalt: 100
Donbas: 262
Moscow: 129
Ardennes RRR : 39

Just for comparison.


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2013, 01:45:53 AM »

Warsaw => Warszawa ;)
Piotrkov Trybunalski => Piotrkow Trybunalski
Nysa => Neiße
Klodzko => Glatz

and see here http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niemieckie_nazwy_polskich_miejscowo%C5%9Bci

I don't see Schweidnitz and Waldenburg..

pozdeji podívám se blíže ;)
Remember, that it takes considerably longer to create a mod than a pretty screen shot


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2013, 02:22:09 AM »

@ Ranwers:
Many thanks.
Repaired, added, work continues by location of other places, any help appreciated.


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2013, 01:25:37 PM »

Hi Uzin! :)
First of all, I would like to thank all those who are involved in the creation of this map.
I wanted to collect a little bit more information , so my post is belated . I wonder , if area marked in the post # 22 contains Krosno and surroundings. Krosno is located on the southern border of this area under Rzeszów,it would be great to have such objects in the game. I hope that the  material included here will be useful in creating this map.

I'm sorry for my bad english and google translation :
History of airfield Krosno
Airport construction project was born thanks to brigadier general. Ludomilowi Rayskiemu and the resolution of the City Council in 1928, the work began two years later, and already in 1932 the building was completed. In 1937, it was the expansion completed at the turn of 1938/1939. In 1938, the School of Aviation moved here from Bydgoszcz.
Sport Aviation in Krosno origins dating back to 1931, when they began to raise funds for the construction of gliders. Constructed it in the "Bursa" in the building which now houses the ZSP No. 2 in Krosno. In 1934, the first glider was ready and was registered as 44 in Poland. The Circle Glider Krosno was established in 1938 marked the official opening of the Aero Club and Training Center Pilots and Mechanics. The first president of the Aero Club was Eng. Kazimierz Pirgo. Krosno engineers have grouped the airport in Krosno, in cooperation with the Technical University of Lviv, worked not only on models of aircraft, but even a prototype rocket-engine jet for the construction of 1889 patented by Adam Ostaszewski - Leonard with Wzdowa. This was met with interest the Germans. In parallel with the construction of the Krosno airport (mainly from donations), resulting in a short distance from Krosno Airport Moderowce (Moderówce) and Lezanach (???anach), creating a large training base. On 1 September 1939 the Krosno airport was bombed , and airmen who had survived the entry of German troops, were arrested [...] Some already in the first days of the war organized troops fighting with the Nazis and were the first guides for groups of soldiers on their way to Hungary.
During the occupation the Germans used all three airports as strategic in the war against the Soviet Union. In September 1944, the Germans blew up the objects in Krosno airport. It is worth noting that at the outbreak of war, all the gliders were hidden and luckily survived the occupation.
Krosno airfield:

The building of the airfield commander still exists today

entrance gate

wrecks of Polish RWD-8 and PWS-26


main squere
1 September 1939 Krosno airfield was bombed by the 6th Squadron (Staffel) Group II (Gruppe) 77 Bomber Regiment (Kampfgeschwader).
Google translator.Quote from the book:
"Friday, September 1, 1939 (...) II [Group] / KG 77
  The unit has used as many as 37 [Dornier bombers] Do-17E in the first attack on the airport Krosno and Moderowka (...). The mission was completed in hours. 04.35-08.00. Two Dornier had to interrupt a start-up. The rest of the formation flew over Slovakia and then dropped the bomb on the target between the hours  06.10-06.17. Near Krosno Polish anti-aircraft artillery shot off tail plane Do-17E, [numbers] 3Z + KP of 6 Staffel and the plane crashed to the ground. The crew, composed of pilot Olt. Wolfgang Mayer, Uffz observer. Josef Schmitt, Uffz radio operator. Anton Kapfenberger were killed. The unit was supposed that the Dornier crashed into an adjacent plane (flying on the right). (...) The Poles also described the collision, after which Do-17 Uffz. Stiehl crashed in Mecinka (near Jedlicze). The second Dornier exploded shortly afterwards near the Winnica. Without a doubt, it was a plane with a crew Olt. Mayer. (...)
The losses of the unit on that day:
6./KG 77 Do-17E 3Z + KP Oblt.Mayer crew, shot down by anti-aircraft artillery in Moderowka.
6./KG 77 Do-17E 3Z + CP Uffz.Stiechl crew, shot down by anti-aircraft artillery in Krosno.
8./KG77 The Fw-17E crew Siegfried Neuber aircraft crashed 1 mile west of the village Stroze (Stró?e), the aircraft was completely destroyed.
4./KG77 Do-17E 3Z + FM -the aircraft was damaged by antiaircraft fire and crashed in the village Giraltowice.
and 8 September 1939 anti-aircraft artillery shot down BF 109D-1- Uffz. Heiner Jörg.

Polish hangars with checkerboard painted on the walls (the photo shows the unknown airfield)

Krosno airfield and German navigation system antenna (type Adcock/Peiler)? or radar installation.

The 8 September, 1939 Krosno and the airfield was taken over by a motorized division 2 Mountain Division of the Wehrmacht. The crew of the future Luftwaffe base in Krosno was transferred mainly from Wroclaw.
During the operation Barbarossa was stationed here (among others) the Ju-88 of Kampfgeschwader 51 "Edelweiss".
Krosno landmarks:
maps of the region:
Train shelter " Anlage Sud " Stepina-Cieszyna:

It was a very common sight in the southern Polish since the 60s of the nineteenth century until the late 50s of the twentieth century, beginning from Sanok  Krosno, Gorlice , and Borys?aw (Borislav) ending.
Such objects were near Krosno in: Rowne(Równe),Wietrzno,Bobrka(Bóbrka), Kroscienko (Kro?cienko)Iwonicz-Zdrój,Ropianka,Klimkówka,W?glówka,Potok,
Jaszczew,Winnica  .
Most of these objects approximately from the 1860 (oil rigs visible in the pictures, etc) survived almost unchanged until the post-war years of the twentieth century gradually displaced by new technologies in the years 50,60.

Museum of Oil and Gas Industry in Bóbrka:

pages in English :
Polish Armour of 1918 - 1939
Polish Armoured Trains
The site is partly in English:
Polish armoured car wz. 29 "Ursus"
Polish artillery tractor C4P / halftrack car wz. 34:
Nkm wz.38 FK
V-1 and V-2 tested in Blizna

List of Luftwaffe airports (incomplete) in Poland from 1939 to 1945 - and their coordinates:
Allenstein - Deuthen ..... N53 45 10 E20 25 23 ..... Olsztyn-Dajtki/OL
Altkemnitz ..... N50 54 30 E15 36 00 About ? ..... Stara Kamienica / JG
Alt- Rosenberg .....? .....?
Arys - Rostken ..... N53 43 00 E21 55 00.....Orzysz/SU
Aslau ..... N51 18 40 E15 44 20.....Os?a/JG
Bad Polzin .....? ..... Polczyn Zdrój ?
Balice ..... ~ N50 04 39 E19 47 05 .... near Krakow
Baranowicze ..... ~ N53 08 44 E25 57 43 ....?
Bednary ..... N52 32 05 E17 14 00 .... Ger : Tonndorf
Biala Podlaska ..... ~ N52 00 25 E23 08 56 ....?
Bialystok - Krywlany ..... ~ N53 06 28 E23 10 10 ....?
Bielice ..... ~ N52 13 02 E20 18 03 .... near Sochaczewa
Bielitz ( Felde ) ..... N50 33 30 E17 30 00 .... Bielice OP
Bielsk Podlaski ..... ~ N52 40 00 E19 48 59 ....?
Bielsko Biala - Aleksandrowice ..... N49 48 20 E19 00 20 .... Ger : Bielitz Alexanderfeld
Bojary .....? ..... absorbed by Bialystok ?
Borysowszczyzna ..... N52 26 00 E23 06 00 ....?
Braunsberg ..... N54 22 30 E19 50 30.....Braniewo/EL
Breslau - Gandau ..... N51 07 38 E16 58 40 .... Wroclaw - G?dów
Breslau - Schöngarten ..... N51 06 25 E16 55 10 .... Wroc?aw - Copernicus
Brieg ..... N50 50 20 E17 24 47 .... Shore region ( precisely : Rudniki)
Brody .....? .....?
Brüsterort ..... N54 56 15 E19 59 25.....Jantarnyj/Kalin.Ob? .
Brest on the Bug ..... ~ N52 06 46 E23 54 00 .... Germans Brest Litovsk
Bunzlau ..... N51 19 30 E15 33 10 .... Boleslawiec JG
Bydgoszcz ..... N53 06 30 E17 57 40.....Szweredowo/Biedaszkowo , Ger : Bromberg
Ciechanów - Krubinek ..... ~ N52 50 20 E20 37 58 ? ..... german : Zichenau
Cosel ..... N50 20 00 E18 14 00 .... Kedzierzyn-Kozle OP
Cuniow .....? .....?
Czerlany .....? .....?
Czestochowa - Rudniki ..... N50 53 06 E19 12 17AIP ..... german : Tschenstochau
Danzig- Langfuhr ..... N54 23 38 E18 36 43 .... Gdansk - Wrzeszcz
Debica .....? ..... Germans : Debiza ,
Deblin - Irena ..... ~ N51 33 09 E21 53 39 ....?
Deep ..... N54 08 20 E15 14 00 .... Rogowo KO?
Deutsch- Buckow ..... N54 30 30 E17 07 10 .... Jezierzyce SL
Deutsch- Eylau ..... N53 35 30 E19 35 30 .... I?awa OL
Dievenow ..... N54 00 50 E14 45 30 .... Dziwnow SZ
Dolubowo .....? ..... Bialystok ?
Dramburg ..... N53 28 45 E15 43 30 .... Drawsko KO
Dub ..... N50 40 00 E23 34 00 .... near Zamosc
Dubno ..... ~ N50 27 23 E25 49 46 .... Dworzyszcze k / Dubna ? , The period from 1939 to 1945 :
Eichwalde ..... N54 50 30 E21 08 30 .... Polyesk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Elbing ..... N54 08 30 E19 26 00 .... Elblag
Flatow - Annafeld .....? ..... Z?otów PI
Fordon ..... N54 32 25 E17 47 30 .... Ger : Leidenburg
Frankenstein ..... N50 34 20 E16 50 00 .... Zabkowice Sl. WB
Frankfurt am Oder ..... N52 20 15 E14 37 15 .... Slubice GO
Frauenburg ..... N54 21 30 E19 41 30 .... Frombork EL
Freienwalde ..... N53 27 40 E15 20 00 .... Chociwel SZ
Freiwaldau ..... N51 27 40 E15 06 30 .... Gozdnica ZG
Freudenthal .....? ..... = Bruntal
Friedersdorf .....? .....?
Gabbert ..... N53 18 40 E15 42 50 .... Jawor SZ
Gabersdorf ..... N51 02 20 E16 27 00 .... WR Udanin
Ganshorn .....? .....?
Gerdauen ..... N54 23 50 E21 17 40 .... Zheleznodorzhniy ( Kalinin. Zone)
Glatz -west .......... odzko NJB
Gleiwitz ..... N50 16 15 E18 40 30 .... Gliwice KA
Glogau ..... N51 42 00 E16 07 00 .... smelter LG
Gotenhafen - Hexengrund ..... N54 35 05 E18 30 45 .... = Amalienfelde / Westpr , Gdynia - Babie Doly
Grieslienen ..... N53 36 15 E20 22 30 .... Gry?liny OL
Grodno .....? .....?
Grojec .....? ..... Slomczyn WAR ?
Gross Lassewitz .....? ..... (or Gross Lassowitz ? ; Oberwalden ) Lasowice UK. OP
Gross Stein ..... N50 31 35 E18 05 45 .... Stone Sl. OP
Grossburg ..... N50 52 00 E17 04 50 .... WR Borek Strzeli?ski
Grosskosel ..... N53 19 30 E20 17 30 .... Koz?owo OL
Gross- Schiemanen ..... N52 28 45 E20 57 30 ..... Szymany OL
Gross- Schönfeld ..... N53 06 00 E14 33 00 .... ?arczyn SZ
Grottkau ..... N50 38 15 E17 23 30 .... Old Grodkow OP
Grudzi?dz .....? .....?
Grunau ..... N50 54 00 E15 47 10 .... Je?ów Sudecki JG
Grunau - Schettnienen ..... N54 26 30 E19 52 00 .... Gronovo ( Kalinin. Zone)
Grünwiese .....? ..... Niewiesze KA
Guben ..... N51 59 20 E14 43 40 .... Gubin ZG
Gutenfeld ..... N54 40 30 E20 38 40 .... L' ugovoye ( Kalinin. Zone)
Hartenau ..... N50 20 30 E17 59 30 .... Twardawa OP
Heiligenbeil ..... N54 28 30 E19 58 00 .... Mamonovo ( Kalinin. Zone)
Henkenhagen .....? ..... = Kolberg ( East ) , Kolobrzeg KO
Hirschberg ..... N50 54 00 E15 47 10 .... = Grunau , Jelenia Gora
Hohenfriedeberg ..... N50 55 30 E16 15 30 .... Dobromierz WB ?
Hordynia .....? ..... No data
Hostynne ..... N50 45 00 E23 43 00 .... near Zamosc
Hranowka .....? ..... near Dubna
Inowroc?aw .....? ..... Germans : Hohensalza
Insterburg ..... N54 36 40 E21 48 30 .... Tsherniakhovsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Jesau ..... N54 33 40 E20 36 00 .... Probably : Juzhnyi ( Kalinin. Zone)
Juliusburg -Nord .....? ..... Dobroszyce WR
Juliusburg -Süd .....? ..... ( Dobroszyce ) WR
Jürgenfelde ..... N54 28 45 E21 47 30 ....?
Kamenz .......... Kamieniec Zabkowicki WB
Kamp ..... N54 08 45 E15 20 00 .... Raise your KO
Katowice - Mierzecice ..... N50 14 20 E19 02 25 ....?
Klein Eichen ..... N50 30 00 E18 04 30 .... Debina OP
Klemensów ..... ~ N50 43 00 E23 01 00 .... Zamosc
Klützow ..... N53 18 40 E15 00 30 .... Kluczewo SZ
Kobryn .....? ..... Germans : Kobrin
Kolbatz .....? ..... Kolbacz SZ
Kolberg ..... N54 12 00 E15 40 30 .... Kolobrzeg KO
Kolomyja ..... ~ N48 31 53 E25 02 03 .... Ger : Kolomea
Komturhof ..... ~ N51 17 40 E18 09 33 .... Wieruszów ?
Königsberg ..... N52 56 30 E14 25 00 .... Chojna SZ
Königsberg - Devau ..... N54 43 30 E20 34 30 .... Kalinigrad - Vassilkovo ( Kalinin. Zone)
Königsberg - Neuhausen ..... N54 47 10 E20 37 05 .... Kaliningrad Guryevsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Köslin .....? ..... Koszalin . Is it about Zegrze Pom . ?
Krakow ..... N50 05 00 E19 59 40.....Rakowice/Czyzyny
Kreutzberg -Süd ..... ~ N50 58 30 E18 12 52 .... (or Kreutzburg ) ( Kluczbork OP )
Krosno ..... N49 40 59 E21 44 01 ....?
Kroszewo .....? ..... Near Krosno
Promote ..... ~ N52 04 12 E22 42 05 ....?
Küpper .....? ..... = SAGAN , Zagan ZG
Kuriany ..... N53 05 00 E23 16 00 .... If " Kurjany " , the coordinates are wrong
Kurowice .....? ..... Near Lviv
Kurowice ..... ~ N49 46 00 E24 24 59 .... 25 km ESE Lviv
Lodging .....? ..... Vilnius ?
Labiau ..... ~ N54 52 00 E21 06 59 .... = Eichwalde , Polyesk ( Kalinin. Zone)
?abunie ..... ~ N50 39 00 E23 22 00 .... Zamosc
Langenau ..... N51 11 30 E17 05 00 .... D?ugopole WR ( near Bystrzyca )
Lauenburg ..... N54 32 25 E17 47 30 .... Community Calendar SL
Leba ..... N54 45 20 E17 31 00 .... Leba KO
Leobschütz ..... N50 13 00 E17 47 00 .... Lviv - Snilow Glubczyce OP
Lesiszcze .....? ..... Vilnius ?
Lezanie .....? ..... Is ???any ?
Lida .....? .....?
Lida - former airport 5 GB in 1939 , ~ N53 27 E24 38, ~ 100 km ESE of Grodno BY
Liegnitz ..... N51 11 10 E16 11 30 , N51 10 59 E16 10 46AIP ..... Legnica
Lisiatycze .....? .....?
Littausdorf .....? .....?
Lobellen ..... N54 56 30 E22 15 30 .... ( Hüttenfeld - Neusiedel ) ? ?
Reymont Lodz ..... N51 43 20 E19 24 00 .... Ger : Litzmannstadt
Lötzen ..... N54 02 30 E21 46 15 .... Gi?ycko SU
Lüben ..... N51 25 30 E16 11 30 .... Lubin LG
Lublin .....? ..... Radawiec ?
Luck ..... ~ N50 45 04 E25 21 43 .... Ger : Luzk or Luck
Ludwigsdorf .....? ..... Ludwikowice class WB
Luniniec .....? .....?
Lviv Snilow .....? ..... Germans: Lemberg
Lyck ..... N53 49 50 E22 23 45 .... Elk SU
Mackfitz ..... N53 45 40 E15 17 50 .... = Plath , Makowice SZ (or fences )
Malzkow .....? .....?
Marienburg ..... N54 01 40 E19 07 40 .... Malbork EL
Märkisch- Friedland ..... N53 23 20 E16 06 15 .... = Crössinsee , Miroslawiec PI
Märzdorf .....? ..... = Ohlau , O?awa OP
Mehlsack - Wormditt ..... ~ N54 08 45 E20 05 07 .... = Wormditt , Orneta
Miedzyrzec .....? ..... Miedzyrzec ( Podlaski ? ) , Another name for the airport preach ?
Mielec ..... N50 19 20 E21 27 43AIP .....?
Mirkau .....? ..... Blomberg WR
M?awa .....? .....?
Mills .....? ..... Warsaw
Möckendorf ..... N50 31 35 E17 18 35 .... Korzekwice OP
Moderowka ..... ~ N49 45 39 E21 38 08 .... Ger : Moderowka , near Krosno( 49°40'59,05?N 21°44'01,11?E)
Modlin .....? .....?
Mogilev .....? ..... Germans : Mogilev ?
Molodeczno .....? .....?
Mondschütz ..... N51 18 30 E16 35 50 .... WR Lubi??
Mühlen .....? ..... Mielno OL
Nag?owice ..... N50 40 00 E20 06 00 .... Kielce
Naklo .....? ..... Germans : Nakel
Nasielsk .....? .....?
Naumburg ..... N51 52 40 E15 18 40 .... Novgorod Bobrza?ski ZG
Neisse ..... N50 30 25 E17 17 35 .... = Stephansdorf , Nisa - Radzikowice OP
Nemmin ..... N53 47 40 E15 48 30 .... ?widwin KO
Nest ..... N54 16 50 E16 07 40 .... Raise your KO
Neudorf ..... N50 37 53 E17 47 00 .... Opole - New Town
Neuhammer ..... N51 28 30 E15 25 30 .... ?wi?toszów JG
Neuhausen ..... N54 47 15 E20 37 10 .... Guryevsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Neukuhren ..... N54 56 50 E20 14 45 .... Pionierskij ( Kalinin. Zone)
Neustadt ..... N50 20 30 E17 35 00 .... Prudnik OP
Nieder- Ellguth ..... N50 29 15 E18 06 35 .... Ligota Dln . OP
New Manor .....? .....?
Oberglogau ..... N50 21 30 E17 51 00 .... Glogowek OP
Oels ..... N51 13 00 E17 26 44 .... WR Ole?nica
Ohlau ..... N50 58 50 E17 14 40 .... = Märzdorf , O?awa WR
Orany .....? ..... Varena ( Lithuania )
Oschen .....? ..... O?no EL
Ostrow Mazowiecki ..... N51 37 00 E17 57 00 .... Ger : Ostrow
Ottmuth ..... N50 30 40 E17 59 00 .... Krapkowice OP
Paulwitz .....? ..... Pawlowice WB
Petershagen ..... N53 54 45 E15 38 30 .... Col. Mirowo or Leszczyn KO
Pillau - Neutief ..... N54 36 50 E19 52 45 .... Bal'tijsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Pinnow ..... N53 54 30 E15 28 10 .... Pniewo SZ
Pinsk ..... ~ N52 09 59 E26 07 39 .... Ger : Pinsk
Plath ..... ~ N53 45 40 E15 17 50 .... = Mackfitz , Fences SZ
Polangen .....? .....?
Powayen ..... N54 45 05 E20 11 00 .... Kryemnievo ( Kalinin. Zone)
Powunden ..... N54 53 25 E20 35 10 .... Khol'mogorovka or Khrabrovo ( Kalinin. Zone)
Poznan - Shoal ..... N52 25 35 E16 50 20 , ..... Germans Posen
Praust ..... ~ N54 15 04 E18 39 16 .... Pruszcz Gd
Preussisch - Eylau ..... N54 22 30 E20 40 30 ? ..... Bagratyonovsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Prowehren ..... N54 46 00 E20 25 00 .... Druzhnoye ( Kalinin. Zone)
Pruženie .......... = Pruženie UK (now Pruzhany BY)
Przasnysz ..... ~ N53 00 16 E20 55 52 .... Ger : Praschnitz
ZAP ..... ~ N51 24 30 E21 55 24 .... Exactly :  mountain Pulawska
Pultusk .....? ..... Germans Pultusk or Ostenburg the airport in the village Kleszewo k / Pultusk
Putzig .....? ..... Puck GD
Pyritz ..... N53 07 20 E14 51 10 .... Pyrzyce SZ
Handles ..... N53 59 20 E22 47 08 ....?
Radom - Piast ..... N51 28 50 E21 06 40 ....?
Radom - Sadkow ..... N51 23 30 E20 13 00 .....?
Radziwill .....? .....?
Radzyn Podlaski .....? ..... Germans : Radzyn
Ratibor .....? ..... Raciborz KA
Reichenbach .....? ..... Dzierzoniow WB
Reichshof ..... N50 06 30 E22 03 00 , ..... Rzeszow Jasionka
Reppen ..... N52 19 25 E14 48 40 .... Rzepin GO
Riesenburg ..... N53 45 30 E19 12 00 .... Prabuty OL ?
Rogoznica .....? ..... Germans Rogoznica
Ros .....? ..... Actually Ross , near t. Wolpa , Grodzienszczyzna BY.
Rosenborn - Zobten ..... N50 57 30 E16 46 15 .... (or Rosenberg - Rostkowice OP ) , WR Miros?awice
Rossweid ..... N50 22 00 E17 57 00 .... Rozkochów OP
Rumia ..... N54 35 10 E18 23 35 .... Ger : Rahmel
Saatzing .....? ..... Szadzko SZ
Sachau .....? ..... Sucha OP
Sagan - Küpper ..... N51 36 00 E15 18 00 .... Zagan (?aga?)
Schendek .....? ..... = Zendek / Pol . = Udetfeld , Zendek KT
Schippenbeil ..... N54 15 00 E21 00 40 .... S?popol OL
Schlosswalden .....? ..... OP  Lasowice Ml.
Scholastikovo .....? ..... Circle Prussisch Friedland ?
Schönfeld - Seifersdorf ..... N51 11 30 E15 56 30 .... Lutogniewice JG
Schoenwald - Oppeln .....? ..... ?wiercze OP (or Krzywizna )
Schweidnitz ..... N50 51 12 E16 26 48 .... Swidnica - Slotwina WB
Schweidnitz - East ..... N50 51 10 E16 31 20 .... Swidnica - Przenno WB
Schwieben .....? ..... ?wibie KA
Seerappen ..... N54 44 30 E20 16 45 .... Lyublino ( Kalin. oblast)
Seifersdorf .....? ..... = Schönfeld - Seifersdorf , Lutogniewice JG
Siedlce .....? .....?
Sorau ..... N51 39 40 E15 08 20 .... Zary ZG
Sprottau ..... N51 33 40 E15 35 00 .... Szprotawa ZG ( airport Altsiedel ? )
Sroda Wielkopolska .....? ..... Germans : Schroda East ( Airport Snieciska )
Sroda Wielkopolska ..... N52 14 46 E17 19 10 .... Ger : Schroda -Süd ( airport Maczniki )
Stanislau .....? ..... Stanislaviv ?
Stargard ..... N53 17 15 E14 59 25 .... Stargard Szcz SZ , the literature often as Stargard - Klützow
Star?awa .....? ..... Hureczko - Hurko ?
Stephansdorf .....? ..... = Neisse - Nisa Radzikowice OP
Stettin - Altdamm ..... N53 23 42 E14 37 20 ....?
Stettin - Kreckow .....? .....?
Stolp West ..... N54 27 30 E17 00 15 .... Slupsk
Stolp - Reitz ..... N54 28 45 E17 06 05 .... Slupsk Redzikowo SK
Strebielin ..... N54 34 30 E18 01 45 .... Strzebielin GD
Strychowo (?) .....? .....?
Wujek ..... ~ N49 14 47 E23 48 14 ....?
Stubendorf ..... N50 34 00 E18 08 40 .... Izbicko OP
Stubno .....? ..... Near Przemysl
Suwalki ..... N54 04 21 E22 53 56AIP ..... german : Sudauen
Swidnik ..... N51 13 55 E22 41 25AIP .....?
Swinemünde .....? .....?
Turnovo ..... N53 06 00 E21 53 00 .... Lomzynskie
Terespol .....? ..... Probably fake name for Ma?aszewicze
Tilsit ..... N55 05 00 E21 47 40 .... [- Tislite - OST ? -] Sovyetsk ( Kalinin. Zone)
Poplar .....? .....?
Torun ..... N53 01 45 E18 32 45 .... german: Thorn
Trakehnen ..... N54 33 30 E22 29 30 .... Jasnaya Polyana ( Kalinin. Zone)
Terebovlia ..... ~ N49 17 51 E25 42 21 .... 30 km SSE Ternopil (Ukraine)
Turbia ..... N50 37 42 E22 00 02AIP .....?
Udetfeld ..... N50 28 35 E19 04 55 .... = Zendek = Schendek , Zendek KT ( EPKT Pyrzowice)
U??? ..... ~ N51 37 37 E22 05 41 .... Ger : Ulez
Vietzkerstrand ..... N54 33 15 E16 37 30 .... Wicko Morskie KO
Warsaw - Whiten .....? .....?
Warsaw - Okecie ..... N52 09 56 E20 58 01AIP .....?
Warsaw - Goc?aw .....? .....?
Warsaw - Mokotów .....? .....?
Warzyn .....? .....?
Weidengut ..... N50 32 10 E17 34 58 .... Willow OP
Vilnius .....? ..... Vilnius , Ger . : Wilna
Winnica .....? ..... Germans : Winniza , Lviv Voivodeship
Wisenhof .....? .....?
Vladimir .....? ..... ( Volyn Vladimir ? )
Woisselsdorf ..... N55 44 00 E17 23 35 .... - ( or WOISSELDORF ) Wojslaw OP Note : bad coordinates.
Würgsdorf ..... N50 53 30 E16 04 30 ? ..... Wierzchoslawice LG
Wysokie Mazowieckie ..... N52 55 00 E22 30 00 .... ?om?y?skie
Zamosc - Mokre ..... N50 42 10 E23 12 22 .....?
Zamzow ..... N53 28 35 E15 44 25 .... otherwise Kluczewo ?
Zdarzec .....? .....?
Ziegenhals ..... N50 19 30 E17 24 00 ? ..... Glucholazy OP

Best regards


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Re: Map of Poland W.I.P.
« Reply #71 on: September 13, 2013, 01:53:43 PM »

Maybe 3000 is a good number to stop?
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