Hi, Piotrek1,
I tried to avoid the inclusion of Ostrava into the map, because it is so huge city with too much landmarks, so I have led the border of the map just a bit south of Krakow. Krosno is located even more to the south than Ostrava, so it is not included, I am sorry.¨Even the present state of the map will take weeks and weeks to populate, so it seems not easy to change the arbitrary borders of the cutout.
Many thanks for the list of German airfields in Poland, I suppose most of them are at the same places as those of Poland were.
I have also other sources -
Fliegerhorste und Einsatzháfen der Lutwaffe by K. Ries and W. Dierich, and
Rote Plätze: Russische Militärflugplätze in Deutschland 1945-1994 by Lutz Freundt , S Büttner ,
see some pics here:
Thank you very much also for other information sources you provided.
Best regards,
Ivan Uzin
On the contrary to Krosno, rocket launch testing site Blizna is included into the map, about north of Rzeszow. I have a book
Akcija V1, V2 by M. Wojewodzki about polish resistance actions around that site.
Krosno is present on default Lvov (Lviv) map.