February Progress Report. After adjusting the Modlin Fortress and Modlin Magazine according to testers recommendations described above, the rest of February was devoted to Warsaw. Its centre was covered with four tiles enlarged by a factor of two to 3200x3200 m size, using the Google Maps. City suburbs were covered by generic textures and autopopulated. The centre is being populated manually, two thirds are now done.
Then, a map of Warsaw dated by 1938 was found on internet, see below. The boundaries of the city were cut accordingly, pertaining the Google Map centre so far. Mokotow , Praga and other outer parts of the city are still generic.
I would be interested in opinion of the community, whether this suffice, or am I to make more tiles according to that map of 1938, covering suburbs, too ? Any recommendations concerning the landsmarks which are the must in Warsaw are welcome.