The summer version is for 1939 campaign, while 1944 would require a winter one, with concentration camps and jewish ghettoes added, together with concrete airfields built by Germans, I think.
Uzin, will you be adding concentration camps and Ghettos to the map?
I know it may seem a bit "inappropriate" for such a "game" for some people, but I believe it will add more realism to the game also.
It is also a way for the young people not to forget what happened in those places.
Hi, Max,
the present state map is for 1939 campaign , while the winter version could be for 1944, when the main battles occured in the area.
If I survive and shall create that version the concentration camps and ghettos would be there for sure, as they are significant landsmarks of the map of that era. There could be e.g.. Majdanek KL near Lublin, but not Asuchwitz, since the map is cut a bit north of it, I think.