In the early hours of August 23rd 1942 General Von Richthofen, the CO of Luftflotte 4., landed in a Fieseler Storch plane in the middle of the Staff cars of the German 16. Panzer Division which was moving towards Stalingrad. In a brief conversation to the divisional CO General Hube von Richthofen explained that by orders of the Führer's HQ, all of his forces were to be concentrated against Stalingrad.
"Use this day well, you have 1200 aircraft at your disposal, I cannot promise you the same numbers tomorrow." To the citizens of Stalingrad August 23rd became "a day that will never be forgotten." People were very proud of their model town siding the river Volga. On the 23rd Stalingrad changed to an inferno, a fiery hell. On that day Luftflotte 4. bombers flew 1600 sorties, dropped 1000 tons of bombs losing three aircraft. According to estimations 600 000 people lived in Stalingrad, 40 000 died in the first week of the bombings.
(Freely translated from the Finnish version of A. Beevor's Stalingrad 2000.)Creating this scenery I used Cyberolas outstanding map of Stalingrad and it looks almost scaringly good for missions and screenshots.