Thank you very much Mick,
I gave up!
The Messerschmitt 4.0 mod and my old DBW will not... grrr.
All ini and proprties proofed - right
.rc enties done - right
the three ".sfs" files in the right folder.
Mod in #DBW modsfolder on top for 1st loading - right
all other Bf-109x-x mods disabled - right
the old G-6 mod from Jcat disabled - right
All about Bf-109x-x disabled in Jeros Fix Cowlings... in jsgmemods folder - right
and tried a lot more.
Result: No trop filters in desert maps (I know about the "Camouflage = desert in the map inis). Not yet the olf filters.
and game crash if I'll try to fly the Bf-109Z (30% crash)
just downloaded your link (Jeros mod). Maybe I'll happy with Jeros allways wonderful work.
What I hate on the Bf-109's: It's unable to skin these Bf-109's perfectly. The different shadows on the wing/fuselage connection are so ugly!
If I were a patient modder, then I will do my loveliest aircrafts complete new - but I'm to old and impatient.
Sorry friends for writing here, will delete it later and send some pics.
Please don't worry about me.
Regards, Gerhard