You want it to appear as a HUD message or integrated in the cockpit?
I was thinking of making a sound effect of the shell being removed from the breech, new shell being loaded and the breech being closed. I can't remember if these cannons had autoloaders though, or if they had to be manually loaded by crew after each shot (I think they were modified versions of the gun used in Sherman tanks). If they were loaded by crew, they would have used the intercom to call out when they were loading and when the gun was loaded, like they do in tanks. Problems I see with this is that it may be difficult to sync the audio with the time when the cannon loading is actually finished, and secondly if the sound effect included a crew member calling something like "Ready to fire" every time after loading, it could get old fairly soon.
A visual indicator is certainly another option. I expect a HUD message would be somewhat easier to make, perhaps just with a message like "Cannon: Loading" and "Cannon: Ready". It would definitely be functional, with no added cockpit indicators to complicate things.
From simulation perspective though, an indicator integrated to the cockpit would be absolutely brilliant. It could be as simple as an indicator light that shows when cannon is ready to fire. However I'm not sure how accurate such an indicator would be in the B-25 cockpit. I seem to also recall that the B-25 variants used against shipping had a radar ranging gunsight to make the cannon effective beyond AAA range of the Japanese ships, and I'm sure this instrumentation also included a way for pilot/gunner to know when the cannon could be fired.