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Author Topic: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02  (Read 64451 times)

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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.01
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2013, 03:51:49 PM »

I am downloading now Max. Thank you VERY much.

Matt... I am having a " null " error on any mission that I try to use bombs or torpedos. Must be something in the classfiles. Can you confirm?
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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.01
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2013, 04:29:31 PM »

Thanks mikoyan

Lots of PBY- PBN skins here
Just call me TAM.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.01
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2013, 04:39:48 PM »

I am downloading now Max. Thank you VERY much.

Matt... I am having a " null " error on any mission that I try to use bombs or torpedos. Must be something in the classfiles. Can you confirm?

Tested on my version, can't replicate result i'm afraid. It's probably a conflict again, if you have both sets installed.
I've tried to troubleshoot the compatibility issues a few times now; i'm afraid you're on your own for now, as i'm off to sea this week.
Max, will drop you a PM

Edit: mapping update for nose section now on front page.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2013, 10:38:43 AM »

tested this mod and have some troubles as well;
first of all, I have the loadouts of this mod and the original Ranwers loadout in the selection at the same time;
but the default loadout does not work, I get a null error at mission load;
this is true for the torpedo and bomb loadouts as well;
but if I select a guns loadout, change to the weapons configuration and select the torps then, they show up, just the missions do not load;

I do have DBW with the new TFM and have installed just the standalone version of this mod, adding the lines to the ini and ru files as suggested...


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2013, 10:41:57 AM »


Thanks mikoyan

Lots of PBY- PBN skins here
Will love a Catalina capable of landing on land, even If is not sea capable.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2013, 11:42:58 AM »

tested this mod and have some troubles as well;
first of all, I have the loadouts of this mod and the original Ranwers loadout in the selection at the same time;
but the default loadout does not work, I get a null error at mission load;
this is true for the torpedo and bomb loadouts as well;
but if I select a guns loadout, change to the weapons configuration and select the torps then, they show up, just the missions do not load;

I do have DBW with the new TFM and have installed just the standalone version of this mod, adding the lines to the ini and ru files as suggested...

Again: try installing as a stand-alone, a more compatible version will be released when I get to the bottom of the compatibility issues.

RealDarko, if someone could get hold of the amphibious version I could integrate it with this.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2013, 12:45:38 PM »

hello mikoyan!

I did install as a standalone! this bird is flyable and shows the gunsight, but most of the loadouts are not functional in a DBW/TFM environment;
just take your time, as suggested already, this should be a classfile problem;
I tried adding the classfiles from the original Ranwers mod, but then the weapons do not show up on the PBN;
also removing the classfiles from the standalone version that are also in the Ranwers mod does not help; (I was thinking that removing those classfiles redundant by a DBW/TFM install might help, yet this does not help at all - 20% crash)

so as I am no expert modder, I am stuck here and will wait for a compatible version; as long as the PBN is still working, thats no problem as some of the campaigns I am currently in do involve PBNs sooner or later...



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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2013, 12:54:08 PM »

hello mikoyan!

I did install as a standalone! this bird is flyable and shows the gunsight, but most of the loadouts are not functional in a DBW/TFM environment;
just take your time, as suggested already, this should be a classfile problem;
I tried adding the classfiles from the original Ranwers mod, but then the weapons do not show up on the PBN;
also removing the classfiles from the standalone version that are also in the Ranwers mod does not help; (I was thinking that removing those classfiles redundant by a DBW/TFM install might help, yet this does not help at all - 20% crash)

so as I am no expert modder, I am stuck here and will wait for a compatible version; as long as the PBN is still working, thats no problem as some of the campaigns I am currently in do involve PBNs sooner or later...


Sorry mate, what I mean by standalone is delete all of the existing PBY files and install my PBY mod v1.01 by itself. You'll lose the PBN for the time being but the PBY-5 *should* work fine. I've just installed it fresh on my other computer without issue.
The other thing you can try is the fix on the previous page:
The hierarchy should be:
#SAS\PBY5V1.01\3do\Plane\PBY5 for the plane and:
#SAS\PBY5V1.01\3do\Cockpit\PBY5 for the cockpit
Give that a go; it may help.
The issue with the compatibility issue is that the simplest fix, which is integrating my mod and the original, means uploading both mods in one go. I'm happy to upload the PBY-5 fresh as i've done a lot of work on the original mod, enough in my book that I can do that so long as sufficient credit is given to the original authors. Uploading the full lot seems like a bit of a piss take however.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2013, 02:17:06 PM »

Hello Matt!

I did install the 1.01 version alone and strangely, still have the PBN (which works as it should), and your PBY mod which does not work 100%
I also have checked file hierarchy and it is correct;
I guess the problem lies somewhere in DBW/TFM which generates those double loadout entries that make several options (mostly those involving double weapon types) not working at all;
the only other PBN/Y related mods I have are the engine cowlings mods which should not interfere with that one though...

for the time being, its no problem for me, the PBNs I need in some campaigns work still and I am sure the PBY troubles will get sorted :)

thanks for a great mod though, the Cat is one of my fav planes, just saw the WhiteCat from PlaneSailing during an airshow and also taxi by close to me on a lake, that was an experience :)


ps.: I also tried to "integrate" all PBY mods, Ranwers original one, then your update and the mapping update into one single folder and using that one;
result: the PBN is working but looses its weapons 3d views and the PBY shows the same behaviour as already described...
maybe really the classfiles?


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2013, 03:56:56 PM »

Ah, that sounds like the root of the problem - I use SAS modact as it's a basic platform for building mods on; I believe UP, DBW etc come with extra aircraft such as the PBN, hence the conflict.


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #46 on: August 20, 2013, 07:58:35 PM »

So does that mean it won't work in DBW? I'm a little confused


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Re: PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2013, 08:24:04 PM »

So does that mean it won't work in DBW? I'm a little confused

It does work in DBW
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