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Author Topic: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack  (Read 15012 times)

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RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« on: February 10, 2010, 10:41:35 PM »

There is a new sound pack for DL at AAA. I'm going to try it in my"test"game when it finishes downloading.



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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 01:42:15 AM »

Sensational fly-by's! I've just been hitting F3 for 2 hours.There's a whole bunch of other cool stuff;some of it is sorta' strange but it sounds very "airplaney". And I wish they would have included .93's tire/gear touchdown noise.
I don't like some of the gunfire.
I want the different sounds for the P-38.
It's very easy to install and get things working.If I can do it,then anyone can.


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 07:30:59 AM »

Here english version.

" Sound modification for Il-2 Sturmovik: 1946 ver. 4.09m
  Mod is based on all known mods from SG2_Wasy: Sound_mod_Version_093 and SFX 06.
The consent of the author is received.
  This mod is development of idea about distant sounds, which the first time offered by LOOdNO, who realized this idea in sounds of the Soviet engines. The idea consists not in just attenuation of a sound with distance as was before, its change according to acoustic laws. The distant sounds originally was planned to apply only to engines, probably, the weapons, but in the course of work something has been made besides it.

- sounds of engines by LOOdNO are added, namely: Ì-62, Ì-82, Ì-105, ÀÌ-35/38;
- the distant sounds for all types of the engines are added, all sounds were captured from video (records, films) and correspond to types of engines with rare exception (an example - BMW-801 a series, ÀÌ-38 which does not remain);
- the most realistic sounds of the weapons are added (in my opinion), what - will hear in the course of game, to some sounds of the large-caliber weapon the metal clang (MG151, Mk108, Hispano and etc) is added ;
- the distant sounds for all types of the weapons, expressed in clicks, chirring, bumps according to caliber are added;
- the playback principle of explosions is changed, the sound varies with distance now, there is an echo;
- the wind in an open cabin is added, and it amplifies with growth of speed. Also the wind sound outside is added, it is audible only at the switched off engines in a cabin, or on exteriors from very close distance, also varies depending on speed;
- the playback principle of a sound from working propeller is processed and complicated, varies depending on a distance, and on a close distance (to 150m) it practically is not audible, is blocked by an engine sound, at fading of a sound of the engine it starts to be shown (nearby 300m), is audible on distance to 2 km. There is a bass sound (a mix of a sound of a propeller and engine), is audible far and especially well by multimotor planes;
- the exhaust sound of idling and heating (400 - 1200 rpm), which in addition varies depending on position listening concerning the plane is added. Is present on all types of piston engines and its audible in a cabin too;
- the overloaded engine howl at a long dive is added; not to confuse to siren Ju-87 which sound are similar. The engine starts to howl from excessive rotation of the propeller blades by running streams of air. This characteristic sound can be heard in many films by the damaged diving plane before blow about the earth.
- sounds of the damages, besides existing, are added and heard in a cabin too. Also the external sounds of hits different for the earth, for water and for object (the plane, the car, etc.), the metal gnash at breaking parts from the plane is taken at SAS;

  Also it is necessary to notice that I tried to adjust all sounds on loudness and to range of sounding (that to tell the truth has taken away time most part) that they looked is most realistic, now you will not hear a engine sound, a sound of hit of a bullet in water or a tire scratching of the sitting down plane for 5km.

  Mod was not checked on an interdiction in a local network.
  Mod was not checked on compatibility with the mods adding new kinds of crafts and weapons.
  Increase time at game loading, productivity falling at poor systems is possible.
  This mod uses SAS Buttons v3.2.7.
  For correct sounding insistently it is recommended to use following options for a sound, parameters in a file conf.ini in a root folder with game:
  For installation this mod is necessary to modify game by MOD Activator. If it is already made, it is necessary to remove all mods changing sounds from folder ‘MODS’ and delete folder ‘Files’ (entirely) in the root catalogue of game (if that is available). Unpack folder ‘Files’ from archive in a root folder of game (for example D:\Games\IL-2 Sturmovik - 1946\Files...).
  Many thanks LOOdNO for idea and inspiration.
  Also for assiduous testing the special gratitude is expressed to Kirill.
RBflight 2010."


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 08:10:49 AM »

OK, a little sadness...

I downloaded the Russian version, as the English version I could not get a complete download.

My impression of the mod (not judging the actual sounds)

This is another enormous mod in recent times, that could have been great, if it did not attempt to change a bunch of things in your installation that has nothing to do with the mod itself.

Firstly of course it contains most, but not all, PRS files in the HSFX/UP/SAS standard set.

the few it does not contain are


...so few...so easy to add...why were they not just thrown in for good measure...?
So that means for pilots of  RWD 8 and 10, Tigermoths, you will have silence. Also guys who have the Me410 mods, one of your guns will now have a silencer . And then lastly users of most he129, I16s and I151s will also have silence... IF you use this mod feestanding and let it overwrite previous soundmods. USers of our SFS mod should not remove it, so it can "catch" these stray assignments.

And users of the packs will possible have those annoying 100% missions crashes, unless they remeber to keep their SFS sound installation as well, as a "safetynet".

Of course, no one can use the buttons included in the mod to fix any of the above, as it is months out of date. This always seems to escape sound modders lol...

Then there are these files in the soundmod that actually do not appear in ours:

I suppose this is mostly for compatibility with other buttons and systems. Pity that could not have been done for us. But never fear, I shall make a patch!!!...maybe....nah.

On to the classfiles!:
This is very weird. This mod does not do a big generic classes edit like Tiger's. It is actually just an normal soundmod pack. Yet, it contains 57(!!!!) classfiles. What are they?

So, I opened them up. They are two sets, one set of aircraft classes, and one set of weapons classes.

So, I shall look under their skirts...what do you think I will expect to find? Well, I expect, in the plane classes, perhaps some interesting Java about perhaps handling wind or something...I cannot imagine why or what, this is after all a soundmod, right?, but, I shall look...

Instead, I find a bunch of old classfiles:

Why would the author include these?...I look and..I compare these to the lastest standard java's in HSFX4.1 and UP2.0..since most of these are modded.
I find that in most cases of multi crew planes, the author went ahead and removed all the crew positions except pilot... WHY??????
Then, in a number of other cases, he attempts to change the weapons of the stock fly-ables. Now , this is not possible without COD access, so, again....WHY????????? Isn't this supposed to be a SOUND-MOD? I see most of the changes are to new classes of weapons he invented.
But , since he does not crack COD, it wont have any effect....kind of like that emperor's new clothes AI mod at AAA. But interesting how many mods are popping up over there that seeks to change stock flyable FMs and stock plane weapons...I thought that was supposed to be OUR bag! Isnt that what we get accused of all the time? ;D

Also, a lot of these are AI planes that have been made flyable. Some of these are quite advanced in HSFX/UP, and at SAS, some of those are even more developed. This mod also includes classes of some of those, but they are the old original mods, so, if you recently got your Morane Blue Cockpit from Tyrl all sorted out in your game, this mod will happily put you back into a P40 pit , your Hs129 back into a BF110, your new custom P36s back into a P40, your cool ranwers U2 back into an I16, ect ;D

I know what you are asking....WHYYYYYYYYYYY??????????

But that is not all! If you phone now, your N1K1 cockpits will also start opening in the wrong direction again, and your cool ranwers Fi156 cockpit will turn into a one seater P38 again.

But, then of course, in defense, there must be those new java codes and stuff about sounds and wind and soundmod stuff, right?....wrong.
There is nothing in the new java about sound. At all.

So, the author tried to change some load outs of stock planes.... a bit of cheating but OK, surely he included all those weapons classes so he could assign them to new sounds, right? This is after all a soundmod?
And who is the SAS, or UP or HSFX (and thereby AAA) to complain about a little tweaking of weapons, we all use the same tweaked set from Jose in HSFX.

Yes, so I go in expecting to find the weapons classes were used to enable different sounds and, perhaps tweak a smoke or something here and there....this is after all, a soundmod, right?

Instead what I found is...
out of the 38 Weapons classes in this mod, only about 10 change the sound assignment. And that is just if compared to SAS versions. They may in fact be the same as the HSFX assignments... who the fuck knows...They, in any event, use the standard PRS sets, so there wont be incompatibilities. And in most ccases they are just prs swop outs....things that could have been done IN THE SOUNDMOD, and did not need to use the classes.

So , why the others? What else did he change? Well, mainly, he put back that sick yellow glow that happened in the stock game when you fired guns. Once again, if you squeeze the trigger, everything will be angel-piss yellow.
Why? you may ask....

I am also wondering....

This accounts for more than half the weapons classes: nothing is changed except the yellow light.

The rest? Strangely enough, the  new weapons he invented for some planes, like the new "MGunMG17kiplus3" in the Bfr110C4, actually does not exist in the mod, the default game or any packs here. Maybe it is a Russian thing!!! Thankfully the game security is there to prefent this from crashing your game.

With the rest of the classes, he just seems to have changed them back to game default (of some version or another), at least the one or 2 examples I checked....so it is an "anticheat" I suppose lol. Will make you incompatible with all current online packs though...
So once again the question....WHY WHY WHY????

Surely one could understand if a soundmod includes a few classes for the purposes of the soundmod, but, what the fuck is this all about???

Just once, I would like to download a 100MB+ mod that JUST IS WHAT IT SAYS, and does not try to slip a bunch of other stuff that I DEFINITELY DON'T WANT, in there too.

So, if you want to install this in any SAS, UP or HSFX game, remember to not follow the directions and DO NOT delete your files folder.

Just copy the Presets and Samples folders in this mod into your files folder (or better, but them in a dififerent folder inside your mods folder). I would not advise letting it overwrite files already there (if you have some fixes and stuff there).
Do NOT copy ANY of the classfiles over.
DO NOT copy the preload file over.
DO NOT copy the gui folder, with the ancient buttons over.
None of these things are needed for this pack to work, they are just needed to bugger up the rest of your game if you are a masochist.

Users of Tiger's Flybymods (flyby only, not the rest of the pack) and SAS pacthes will probably achieve happiness as they should not conflict, as long as you also have the SAS/UP or HSFX Sounds.SFS file in your game and in your .rc loadfile. If you dont know what I just said, and you are a succesful user of the complete SAS soundmod in SFS, or a user of HSFX or UP2.0, then dont worry, just dont change anything in your game.

Guys who dont use any of those, and do not use our SFS soundmod, can probably safely use this mod as is.

You can all safely delete the Sound Forge Audio Peak Files (.SFK) files that were forgotten in the samples folder.
If you have a tool like wavosaur you may also want to convert all the stray 44K and 11K samples in the mod to 22K (it a mix of 22,44 and 11 in this pack), since this will put less strain on your game engine and inhibit clicks and pops. It would also have reduced the download size of the mod to 95MB from 148MB  ;)

As for the changes required in conf.ini, I never got around to trying them, I suppose after weeks of Tiger's flyby sounds, it would take a mod delivered with breakfast in bed by a naked 16 year old to impress me. I am happily jaded!

Guys who like this mod must enjoy it, and now you can without all the "non-optional extras"  :D


Hopefully RedBatflight will find his way over here someday so we can help him nail these things properly right off the bat. I dont think all thse things are deliberate or malicious. I just think the right people are not helping him (if anyone is helping him at all).

So: Installation Instructions for users of SAS modactivators:

1) make a new folder in your MODS folder. Call it anything you like.
2) Put this mod's PRESETS and SAMPLES folder inside it. Nothing else.
3) Download the SAS WeaponsClassfiles Collection: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1496.0.html (and any of the patches in that post also if you like) And put those in the folder you made , alongside thre PRESETS and SAMPLES folders.
4) Download and install the latest SAS Buttons, as well as download our latest SoundMatrix. Use it to create patches for yourself of the missing files:
....by following the instructions here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,899.0.html

Installation Instructions for users of HSFX, SAS SFS Soundmod, or UP Packs:

1) make a new folder in your MODS folder. Call it anything you like.
2) Put this mod's PRESETS and SAMPLES folder inside it. Nothing else.




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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2010, 07:09:51 AM »

Prob;em is RedBat used parts of an old AAA modactivator it seems, to build this, and he need not have doen it. I dont think he can open classfiles, or else he would have known. Thats why I said he is probably not getting the right help there. I dont know anyway. Not my mod, not my site there, not realy my problem. :)
Hopefully RedBatflight will find his way over here someday so we can help him nail these things properly right off the bat. I dont think all thse things are deliberate or malicious. I just think the right people are not helping him (if anyone is helping him at all).
And here I am! Hi all!
From what I understand - all true, but I do not understand everything because my English is bad.
Indeed I used the finished architecture (as I pointed out in readme), and I know nothing about Java programming. I changed only presets and add new samples, then at first it was difficult to understand, because no one helped me. By trial and error I learned how to translate my ideas about sound into the game.
Why I save the old classfiles? Because trying to run the game without them and the sounds behave strangely (for example the sound of MG17 was replaced by the sound of Browning303), and therefore decided to retain the structure as it is.
I did not want to cause you any harm by my actions, just wanted to show the expression of my ideas about the changes of sound with distance for all sounds (engines, weapons, explosions, etc.) and some of associated ideas that have emerged already in the works about propeller, hits, diving effect and others.
Implementing poor only because I am not a professional in this business, and this is my first mod.
In any case, I will continue to work, and I hope someday you will appreciate it.


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2010, 08:05:54 AM »

Hi all, and especially RedBat.

RedBat, I was skeptical of your mod at first, because there had been a long and much-anticipated wait for Tiger_33's sound mod before he finally released it, while yours was unknown/unannounced around AAA or here, in addition to the potential problems your file structure presented.  After initially having all kinds of problems with Tiger's mod, I held off until some of the bugs were worked out and just tried it again this week, and I really love the aircraft sounds.  But I don't like not being able to hear flak and other noises from the cockpit, or worse, from external view.  I have the patches to help fix that, but still was missing alot of those sounds.

Anyway, I was intrigued by the rave reviews of those who had tried your mod, so I bit the bullet and disabled all of Tiger's mod and related files, returned my sound to 44mhz in the conf.ini, put your preset and samples folders in a new folder, dropped it into my Mods folder, and I must say, it works beautifully!  The a/c sounds are terrific, and I especially like the changes in engine sounds as I increase/decrease throttle, particuularly when diving. Th seem much, much more noticable than they are in Tiger's. Spectacular!  And I have all the exterior sounds I've grown used to after 8 years with this sim.  There are a few guns sounds that are either too soft or just not to my liking (.50 cal in a Wildcat is one), but I just dropped some old mod gun sounds in the Mods folder and all is good.

So I take back my skepticism in my earlier post, and say Bravissimo!  (But you should change the readme so that people don't put the class files and "files" folder in their game, since apparently they aren't needed.)


P.S.  I have UP2.0 plus about 40 added mods...all is working well!


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2010, 02:18:03 PM »

Yes, very welcome. Malone will let me know what ans where we can help once you chat to him.


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2010, 03:43:36 PM »

@RedBatFlight (&all others)
I've been really sceptical when I first saw this mod.
I had some trouble with Tiger33's sound mod, and still suffered lots of crackle and pops - bad sound quality.

Now, i've tested your Distant Sounds Mod and i'm truly amazed. With your settings I lost all my bad sound quality and it all sounds great now! Thanks!

Now 1 thing I would like to request, is to upgrade/merge your excellent sound mod, with the variety of aircraft and sounds from Tiger33's mod. (His Hawker Tempest/Typhoon Napier Sabre engine sounds are better for example, aswell as the Beaufighter and BF109). Your mod supports alot of aircraft, but just not all that are in Tiger33's mod.
I love his sounds, but NOT his pre-recorded flyby's.
They might sound better - if you have airspeed - but I rather have a little less realistic flyby's that are depending on speed then pre-recorded once that sound weird if you flyby with the engine on idle (and it sounds like going full throttle).

But, in short; please keep up the good work, keep improving the sounds in this mod - and leave those odd classfiles out! :P


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2010, 06:03:11 PM »

Many thanks for that appreciate my work.
And for your willingness to help.
As for crackle and pops - I faced with this problem too, but found the reason why this is happening and is not allowed in my sounds.
Programming in Java I can not learn at all my desire (in truth it is low), and your abilities (which no doubt), because there is a language barrier, and I will be very difficult to understand of the informatics terms.
My big big mistake is that, what I used oooldy modpack structure from Wasy.
Now I really needs your help - what kind of the existing sound mods is favorite for community? It should be easy to install. I can alter it to fit my standards and bring you to the test in the near future. I just do not watch the latest trends in the world "sound fashion", I need only a skeleton, which I left its mark.
I dont want to be a programmer, I want to make SOUNDS!


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 03:53:28 AM »

Now I really needs your help - what kind of the existing sound mods is favorite for community? It should be easy to install. I can alter it to fit my standards and bring you to the test in the near future. I just do not watch the latest trends in the world "sound fashion", I need only a skeleton, which I left its mark.
I dont want to be a programmer, I want to make SOUNDS!

All I can help with it this:

Here is the sound reference Matrix, that will show you which prs file is used by which planes in the SAS setup. If you stick to this you will always be compatible with most sites. We dont use the feature of Tiger's mod now where he uses 2 sounds for a few planes with multi engines, as it will take a lot more time before the whole community (sas,up and hsfx) can together change the standard of that.

The second thing is this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3645.0.html
where you can look up what guns use what sound (or look at what sounds prs is used by what gun) It is a ll in text java, so one can search it with any search program.

And you can always safely use this: https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sasdl/sound/SAS_WeaponsClasses_4_Sound.7z
or any other download of weapons classfiles from here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1496.0.html
to be sure to be compatible with SAS/HSFX/UP and all our systems.

Lastly I can suggest, to make the big soundpacks a little smaller, to convert all to 22K. I see you have about 50/50 at the moment at 22 or 44.1 . All our soundmods work at 22K, and so, most guys here games are set for best use of 22K.

And then, there are many members who always ask for seperate gunsoundmods, and certain seperate engine soundmods. If you have good ones, you are very welcome to post them here seperately for guys who maybe do not wat a big soundpack, but do want some specific improved sound.

All the best!


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 06:36:57 AM »

All I can help with it this...
Thanks, thanks!
I start work right now!
...and ~CirX, what is the difference between your on-line & off-line buttons? off-line version uses more prs-files? Right?
If I use SAS sound matrix (in attachment), what problems may be during the installation or after?


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Re: RedBatflight's DistantSoundsMod Pack
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 10:41:23 AM »

If I use SAS sound matrix structure, what problems may be during the installation or after?

The best idea is, never include a buttons. Because it will always be outdated by the time you release your mod. Best is to give people a link to the latest buttons.

Also, for including classfiles, also perhaps better to tell people "download classfiles for better weapons sound here:" and let them choose themselves. Weapons sound is a little easier to make seperate, because, weapons sounds are not part of butttons. SO it is easier to make custom soundmods for them, but then you will need to learn to edit the java, or team up with a guy who can.

Some guys have very particular installations, and dont like to be "forced" to addopt some things like buttons and classfiles of another mod.

Other than that, one can do anything!

these following engine sounds do not exist in the "United Presets" which works with SAS buttons:

that means they will not appear in the buttons and not be used. Do not use Tiger's mod as a guide of PRS files, as I said, he userd many more prs files than were agreed upon by the communities months ago (not his fault). You can also use more prs files, or invent new ones, but everytime you do, it creates many many compatibility problems for all the communities.

If you think about it: The list of PRS files present in any soundmod for aircraft engines, and aircraft start and stop sounds, these were the only thing that was standing in the way of "unification" 6 months ago. These were the only things that prohibited a person from one site to "try" a soundmod or a buttonsfile (and so, a new mod or plane) from another site.

That is why we worked so hard to make the list of PRS files for engines and start stop sounds, and why it is a bit of a disruption whne people present new soundpacks that again create new files. Does this make sense?

When AAA stopped making buttons, they were in the nightmare situation of having to make 4 diffferent buttonsfiles everytime for their 4 different soundprs systems contained in their 4 different modactivator packs. And C6, SAS, UP, all had yet even more different soundmodpacks. SO no user could ever easily change or migrate after commiting to one mod activator.

And the only reason for this was, differently named prs files for engines and startstop sounds. Not the sound themselves. Only the names of the files.

So even though you may not want to "make mods" but only "make sounds", you have the power to be a true terrorist to the users and makers of FMs and buttons :D

All the best of luck with it.

Any question you ask, I will try to answer.
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