Hoffy, that is an issue on your install and not my mod.
The only issue I can confirm map wise is that the lights in the first set of Quick missions float in the sky on the race course, which I had fixed in other missions.
For the runway, you miss objects. Read here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35419.0.html Sorry I cannot help there, objects you either have in your install correctly or not.
Also keep in mind no logfile, no further info on your install version, no support here.
On a clean ModAct 5.3 e.g., you need all the objects manually installed, for CUP, no idea, I do not fly it atm.
The birds mod is an effects mod that replaces a smoke type with floating birds. In theory that mod in the Quick mission can interfere with whatever effects mod you use (maybe, I am no coder).
If you really want to know what is missing in your map, open it in FMB, hit shift + tab and check the text that pops up, often it gives some clues.
For objects, not my job to post them with the map, I do not agree with modders who say a map guy has to provide all objects for a new map, that is up to the chaps with 20 different possible installs.