I am in the proccess of assembling a static campaign depicting the "Phoney War" so that the idea of dropping leaflets came to my mind since it was widely employed by both sides during that period rather than actual bombing raids.
I wonder if some Ju-52 ordnances could be easily changed in order to do the task as well as those related to Bloch and/or Potez bombers.
These "Propaganda raids" would be conducted as usual bombing raids regarding to mission objectives which must be fulfilled in order to proceed, with the subsequent capture of some fortresses, towns, etc. conditioned to them.
I've attached some leaflets dropped during WWII just as examples of what I'm talking about.
Leaflet dropped by germans during early "Blitzkrieg" in West

Very welcome leaflet for those hiding in the mountains and valleys (sic) far from a toilette...

Guess that a leaflet like this did much to convince italian soldiers in North Africa...

This one is very funny. I wonder how many british soldiers were to sleep with a headache that night...

Japanese were less used to employ persuasion methods but here it is...

Leaflet intended to exhort japanese soldiers in Pacific islands to surrender

Typical leaflet dropped throughout last days of war in Europe...

...and same for this one

RAF Bomber Command crews preparing leaflets to be dropped over german occupied territory

The futility of dropping leaflets from altitude was soon realised so that more appropriated methods were devised such as the T3 "leaflet bomb" that delivered its content like a fragmentation bomb

US Army Air Force ground crew member filling a T3 container with leaflets

C-47 dropping leaflets somewhere in Europe