I know this is pretty dumb, but I've been trying to figure out the best location to send htis to TD. Maybe I just can't navigate worth a crap anymore, but where is the proper venue you recommend.
The reason I sounded kinda annoyed is the silly nature of it. Those guys obviously know alot about the subject matter and do great work with this, and I'm sure htey remember when the 51 was first introduced. I just figure they haven't flown it much.
I only mentioned the Typhoon in the context of a well replicated AC that does not seem to suffer from the same prop freezing due to light damage. I think this is a totaly accident on the part of the designers. I think they fixed something somewhere that had an effect they didn't expect.
And I'm not really mad, just a bit perplexed.....maybe something I picked up on my last trip to the mother ship.
Thank U......