Hook '_Flare01' NOT found in mesh of class com.maddox.il2.objects.air.MIG_21R
Hook '_Flare02' NOT found in mesh of class com.maddox.il2.objects.air.MIG_21R
Okay, for now, simply don't use the loadouts with "Recon". Seems that the 3D does not have the hook. I will look into it.
EDIT: To correct, you have to copy the flare hooks from MiG-21bis. To do so, look into:
and open the Tail1_D0
Same in MiG-21R folder
then find [hooks] section in both of them.
copy the _Flare01 and _Flare02 into MiG-21R's file into same section - to the bottom (to keep things easy)
then scroll down to [hookLoc]
do the same with last two numerical inputs. (Put them to the bottom off [hookLoc] again - those inputs have to be in the order of names above it in [hooks] section!!!)
If that is too complicated, just wait - I or Vega might release some patch sometime later.
The other old bug that appears is game freezing when both gear is down and position lights are on.