Please I so confused about the install of new Ilyia Mourometz . I don't understand the instruction about it . The informations are minimal and confused and nothing works correctly now . Any help are welcome .
Thanks to all.
I installed it today with succes. So first download the original version from the first post, then download skippers version which you can find on top of the third page of this topic, and for last the bombsight which you can find under the bombsight's screenshots!
So the installation guide:
Unpack SAS skipper's version with classes ( on top of 3. page) into your DBW 1916 or mods folder, then and please be careful now!
unpack the original version from first post to a different place, in that folder you will find a Cockpit and a plane folder, grab the cockpit folder and copy it into skippers version's 3do folder,
then copy the two folders from originalmod's/plane folder to skipper's 3do/plane folder,
Now you will have there 4 foulder 2 of them are named like IlyamouromG3 or V in the folder you will find 3-3 files
Copy the first 3 files and put them into the first tb3.... folder ( this is from the original mod )
Then copy the second 3 files into the second TB3 ... folder
Now open skippers readme and rename the two TB3 folder as he said in the readme, and of course the air. ini entries!
only one step left It's simple now. unpack the class filesfrom bombsight folder and of course don't forget about the fm files, so for last unpack them too to skipper's mod folder!
Sorry for the language, I'm not English. I hope this will help you out!