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Author Topic: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)  (Read 120832 times)

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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2013, 07:39:17 AM »

Just tried it, this will be an instant classic, this is a great improvement of the GUI. Thanks!

And I love the way you can jump in any aircraft.

FYI, I tried it quickly on Linux, seems OK. Perhaps a glitch with EcranWide, but I think it is my setup.

                     when you say "I tried it on Linux"what does it exactly mean? Do you run the Il-2 in Linux? How?


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2013, 08:58:09 AM »

Thanks Pablo this is fantastic!!, Now all we need is jet wars for the perfect setup on 4.12 :P
i7-5820k CPU 3.30gHZ, 16 GB ram, RTX 2080 Graphic card, 49" CHG90 QLED Gaming Monitor, VKB- T-Rudders Mk.III pedals, VPC MongoosT-50 Flightstick with VPC Desk Mount, VPC Extensions Set with a thrustmaster warthog grip on the stick, saitek TPM System, thrustmaster warthog throttle,


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2013, 09:30:06 AM »

Just tried it, this will be an instant classic, this is a great improvement of the GUI. Thanks!

And I love the way you can jump in any aircraft.

FYI, I tried it quickly on Linux, seems OK. Perhaps a glitch with EcranWide, but I think it is my setup.

                     when you say "I tried it on Linux"what does it exactly mean? Do you run the Il-2 in Linux? How?
I use IL-2 on Linux with a program called Wine that creates a simulated windows profile. Quick question: Is it possible to use this with Chromadepth 3d glasses?


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2013, 09:47:33 AM »

Just tried it, this will be an instant classic, this is a great improvement of the GUI. Thanks!

And I love the way you can jump in any aircraft.

FYI, I tried it quickly on Linux, seems OK. Perhaps a glitch with EcranWide, but I think it is my setup.

                     when you say "I tried it on Linux"what does it exactly mean? Do you run the Il-2 in Linux? How?
I use IL-2 on Linux with a program called Wine that creates a simulated windows profile. Quick question: Is it possible to use this with Chromadepth 3d glasses?

And how is the performance with the Windows simulated Linux? Have you compared it to native Windows? Because some OpenGL operations can work better with it.

Regarding Chromadepth I don't know much about it, but the source image (what you see in the screen) should be quite manipulated as far as I know. It is more complicated tan showing two semi-images.


Herra Tohtori

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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2013, 10:39:32 AM »

Excellent innovation.

I've noticed some glitches, flying from Quick Mission planner.

-sometimes (usually after multiple successful "control plane" changes, the menu doesn't disappear with Tab key (and the communication order tree doesn't appear any more either)
-when this happen, map does not appear either, and the game cannot be paused
-in some cases, Autopilot cannot be disabled (which leaves me able to changes cockpits but unable to pilot the planes)
-when I exit the mission, the menu bar and status bar remain in view below the regular IL-2 menu interface
-when I hit refly or start a new flight and hit Tab key, the communications menu comes up normally, and when I hit Tab key again, both the communications menu AND the "stuck" menu- and status bar disappear from view.

Log file shows some null pointer exceptions: http://pastebin.com/w2JY5QEZ


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2013, 10:52:31 AM »

Probably in the future I will implement an alternative HotKey for it to be dedicated.

thank you for not forgetting this. You know my arguments against the TAB-Key...  ;)

But apart from this Key this mod is a true milestone
in expanding of what is possible in Il-2!
My congrats and many thanks for a excellent mod Pablo.  :)
i7-13700K, MSI RTX4090, Kingston 64GB, Asus Z790-P, Crucial SSD 1TB, Kingston SSD 4TB;


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2013, 11:41:58 AM »

And how is the performance with the Windows simulated Linux? Have you compared it to native Windows? Because some OpenGL operations can work better with it.

Regarding Chromadepth I don't know much about it, but the source image (what you see in the screen) should be quite manipulated as far as I know. It is more complicated tan showing two semi-images.


I also use Wine : in fact, I have my regular Windows install on a NTFS disk I can see and use on Linux. Nothing to be done if you have Wine, just click the Il2 launcher and enjoy. For graphical performances, I'd say it is a bit less pretty than Windows (antialiasing mostly) but I did not try to play much with the driver settings (and of course, it depends on your Linux GPU drivers). For CPU performances, I'd say it is slightly better in Windows. I did not try to quantify the differences yet, I should try a big mission and check the FPS.

In fact I tried it just two weeks ago, out of curiosity.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2013, 12:02:10 PM »

This is an amazing Mod! What a great tool!

May I ask something which would be awesome, specially for film-makers?

Is it possible to add a "rewind" option to the track?

Thanks a lot, Pablo.


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2013, 01:03:53 PM »

Hi Pablo,
first: thank you for this great mod!

Second: I have a bug to report.
I don't know if you remember me but before I had great difficulty getting this mod to work on my PC. I just thought I'd try again, and lo andbehold... I actually got it to work!
In the process I also found out what the problem is.

If I have these settingsin the conf.ini the game works:

If I have these settingsin the conf.ini the game crashes:

(Just the relevant bits shown)

Is this a bug, a feature or a problem specific for my notebook with both Intel on-cpu graphics and discrete Radeon graphics?

All the best and thanks again!


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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2013, 01:21:37 PM »

Excellent innovation.

I've noticed some glitches, flying from Quick Mission planner.

-sometimes (usually after multiple successful "control plane" changes, the menu doesn't disappear with Tab key (and the communication order tree doesn't appear any more either)
-when this happen, map does not appear either, and the game cannot be paused
-in some cases, Autopilot cannot be disabled (which leaves me able to changes cockpits but unable to pilot the planes)
-when I exit the mission, the menu bar and status bar remain in view below the regular IL-2 menu interface
-when I hit refly or start a new flight and hit Tab key, the communications menu comes up normally, and when I hit Tab key again, both the communications menu AND the "stuck" menu- and status bar disappear from view.

Log file shows some null pointer exceptions: http://pastebin.com/w2JY5QEZ

            I have detected some of those issues. Most of them were derived form the fact that after having switched view or control, you used to loose the GUI control (the mousse cursor, etc.).

  I think that I have figured out how to avoid all of those issues. I have to test the changes I introduced. Probably in some hours I will post the new version from home, so the one who wants can evaluate it.

  I was even considering just disabling the "M" and the MiniMap while the menu is shown. Because those are the only two items that work with the GUI during mission and there is some sort of competence.



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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2013, 01:57:09 PM »

Hi Pablo,
first: thank you for this great mod!

Second: I have a bug to report.
I don't know if you remember me but before I had great difficulty getting this mod to work on my PC. I just thought I'd try again, and lo andbehold... I actually got it to work!
In the process I also found out what the problem is.

If I have these settingsin the conf.ini the game works:

If I have these settingsin the conf.ini the game crashes:

(Just the relevant bits shown)

Is this a bug, a feature or a problem specific for my notebook with both Intel on-cpu graphics and discrete Radeon graphics?

All the best and thanks again!

Hello "hello"

  Do the same changed settings produce a difference in the non-Visual MODded game?

  Due to the fact that you have a Full HD monitor, the SaveAspect=1 should be present, but I really don't know if the WideScreenFoV can or not affect it.

  On the other hand: what "it didn't work in your PC" means? CTDs? What kind of?



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Re: New Visual MOD 8 (Game Menu + Stereo 3D + RealFollow + Features)
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2013, 02:03:21 AM »

As I understand it, if you set saveaspect=1, the output is always in 4 to 3 ratio, meaning you get the full height of the screen and black areas to the left and right. I see this when the game (with the mod) works. When I set saveaspect=0, without the mod the game fills out the entire screen. With the mod, when the aspect is not standard, the game crashes and I find one of those his_err_pidxxxx.log files in games root dir.

In the other thread, about the 4.11.1 version, I listed my notebooks specs:

My notebook is a Samsung Samsung Notebook Serie 3 350E7C. It  has an Intel CPU i7-3630QM, 4 cores with an Intel HD4000 graphics processor. It also has an AMD Radeon HD7670M GPU. I can set it to use either the Intel or the Radeon GPU, depending on the demands (power vs battery life). When hooked up to the power brick I use the radeon GPU (which of course I do for IL2).
For other games and programs it works flawlessly. It also works perfectly for IL2 when not using this mod.

Code: [Select]
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at PC=0x773618d0
Function name=RtlAddAccessAllowedAce

Current Java thread:
at com.maddox.opengl.Provider.nGetGLCaps(Native Method)
at com.maddox.opengl.Provider.getGLCaps(Provider.java:136)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.PALGetCardCaps(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.createGlContext(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.Config.createGlContext(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:507)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:212)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:422)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)

Dynamic libraries:
0x00400000 - 0x0049A000 C:\IL2 - DBW\il2fb.exe
0x77300000 - 0x77457000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
0x74A60000 - 0x74B90000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL
0x77170000 - 0x77216000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x74810000 - 0x748B7000 C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
0x6E1F0000 - 0x6E434000 C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcGenral.DLL
0x751A0000 - 0x75251000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll
0x75880000 - 0x758B4000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x749F0000 - 0x74A0C000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll
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0x74090000 - 0x74118000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\UxTheme.dll
0x753F0000 - 0x75506000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll
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0x741F0000 - 0x74211000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
0x6FAF0000 - 0x6FB02000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\samcli.dll
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0x74DF0000 - 0x74E7B000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll
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0x75750000 - 0x75871000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\urlmon.dll
0x77240000 - 0x772EE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ADVAPI32.dll
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0x75150000 - 0x75196000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cfgmgr32.dll
0x76DF0000 - 0x76E0E000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll
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0x758C0000 - 0x758E0000 C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x76ED0000 - 0x76FAE000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll
0x6E690000 - 0x6E6B0000 C:\IL2 - DBW\DINPUT.dll
0x6D420000 - 0x6D4EF000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
0x6D220000 - 0x6D227000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\hpi.dll
0x6D3B0000 - 0x6D3BD000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\verify.dll
0x6D250000 - 0x6D266000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\java.dll
0x6D3C0000 - 0x6D3CD000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\zip.dll
0x6E630000 - 0x6E68B000 C:\IL2 - DBW\wrapper.dll
0x68380000 - 0x683A7000 C:\IL2 - DBW\DT.dll
0x005A0000 - 0x005AA000 C:\IL2 - DBW\pathfind.dll
0x48360000 - 0x4B23A000 C:\IL2 - DBW\il2_corep4.dll
0x7C340000 - 0x7C396000 C:\IL2 - DBW\MSVCR71.dll
0x47CE0000 - 0x47D03000 C:\IL2 - DBW\jgl.dll
0x4B3E0000 - 0x4B41A000 C:\IL2 - DBW\il2_usgs2.dll
0x74A10000 - 0x74A60000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll
0x75610000 - 0x75618000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll
0x4F130000 - 0x4F1A7000 C:\IL2 - DBW\mg_snd_sse.dll
0x6E600000 - 0x6E630000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dinput8.dll
0x6E590000 - 0x6E59A000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL
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0x77220000 - 0x77232000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll
0x6D340000 - 0x6D348000 C:\IL2 - DBW\bin\net.dll
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0x6DE30000 - 0x6DE37000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x4FD70000 - 0x4FDA9000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Settings\CmdServer\WinCRT.dll
0x6FE90000 - 0x6FF03000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\ModernMix\MMix_32.dll
0x70050000 - 0x70148000 C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\WindowFX\wfx4.dll
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0x6DCC0000 - 0x6DD34000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\atiadlxy.dll
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0x6C710000 - 0x6C839000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll

Local Time = Wed Oct 09 21:35:30 2013
Elapsed Time = 10
# The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.3.1-b24 compiled mode)
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