AKA He-111Z-2:
The He 111 Z-2s and Z-3s were also planned as heavy bombers carrying 1,800 kg (3,970 lb) of bombs and having a range of 4,000 km (2,500 mi). The ETC extensions allowed for a further four 600 L (160 US gal) drop tanks to be installed.
The He 111 Z-2 could carry four Henschel Hs 293 anti-shipping guided missiles, which were guided by the FuG 203b Kehl III missile control equipment.[61] With this load the He 111Z had a range of 1,094 km (680 mi) and a speed of 314 km/h (195 mph). Its maximum bombload was 7,200 kg (15,870 lb). To increase power the five Jumo 211F-2 powerplants were to be fitted with Hirth TK 11 superchargers.
Some photographs:

http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/he111z.htmlSince the He-111Z was only used as a glider tow historically, there are a lot of things we can play around with with this bomber model, I therefore propose a first draft of some possible weapon loadouts:
2xHs293 (Only officially planned loadout AFAIK)
And more....(?)

Maybe merged with this too?
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5316.0.htmlI've always felt that the He-111Z was plain useless in IL-2 and since we've had so many 1946 "what-if" type planes, why don't we give our twin here some teeth? This could also serve as a "temp" Amerika Bomber until the proper Me264,He277... arrive

Note: If I don't sound greedy enough already

, I would be spolied if anyone would like to add gun loadouts to Twister's amazing Bf-109Z re-armament mod
(Hence the title "Zwillings(s)")
To any modder who would like to take this on, it's a big fat

(or...) from me
