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Author Topic: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)  (Read 4650 times)

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Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« on: October 11, 2013, 08:03:23 AM »

AKA He-111Z-2:
The He 111 Z-2s and Z-3s were also planned as heavy bombers carrying 1,800 kg (3,970 lb) of bombs and having a range of 4,000 km (2,500 mi). The ETC extensions allowed for a further four 600 L (160 US gal) drop tanks to be installed.

The He 111 Z-2 could carry four Henschel Hs 293 anti-shipping guided missiles, which were guided by the FuG 203b Kehl III missile control equipment.[61] With this load the He 111Z had a range of 1,094 km (680 mi) and a speed of 314 km/h (195 mph). Its maximum bombload was 7,200 kg (15,870 lb). To increase power the five Jumo 211F-2 powerplants were to be fitted with Hirth TK 11 superchargers.
Some photographs:

Since the He-111Z was only used as a glider tow historically, there are a lot of things we can play around with with this bomber model, I therefore propose a first draft of some possible weapon loadouts:

2xHs293 (Only officially planned loadout AFAIK)
And more....(?)  ;)
Maybe merged with this too?

I've always felt that the He-111Z was plain useless in IL-2 and since we've had so many 1946 "what-if" type planes, why don't we give our twin here some teeth? This could also serve as a "temp" Amerika Bomber until the proper Me264,He277... arrive  :)

Note: If I don't sound greedy enough already ;D, I would be spolied if anyone would like to add gun loadouts to Twister's amazing Bf-109Z re-armament mod
(Hence the title "Zwillings(s)")

To any modder who would like to take this on, it's a big fat :-*(or...) from me  ;D



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Re: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2013, 08:57:36 AM »

+1  - more (any) loadouts are needed! :D
i mean - 5 engines, 2 pilots. 8 gunners....only 'default' and 'none'....wtf?
this beast is totally wasted in the sim
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2013, 10:31:43 AM »



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Re: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2013, 02:18:58 PM »

+1 to Malone. I'd like to see a rearm of the He-111Z and perhaps a frankenplane of the Me-323Z. For those of you who haven't heard of the Me-323 Zwilling, it was a nine-engined prototype that broke apart on a test flight shortly after dropping a 10000 Kg dummy bomb. The plane broke apart due to strafing on the ground by American P-51s.


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Re: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2013, 03:49:39 PM »

9-engined planes are impossible. The game engine only supports up to 8 motors. Sadly :/ Would be cool to see a Me-232Z thought...


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Re: Rearmed Zwilling(s?)
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2013, 02:13:09 AM »

frankenplane of the Me-323Z.

from here:
Me 323Z (Zwilling): The Zwilling (German "twin") was a single prototype, similar in basic layout to the Heinkel He 111Z, consisting of two 323E fuselages connected by a new constant-chord middle wing section. Powered by nine BMW 801 engines, the sole Me 323Z was lost in July 1944 in an inflight breakup during its first and only test flight. The catastrophic structural failure was due to the inept repair of damage from strafing sustained in an Allied air attack a few hours before. The breakup occurred just after the aircraft had released a gigantic 17.7 tonne dummy bomb. The bomb, designed by armaments engineers at the Weapons Research Station at Karlshagen, was intended specifically for the 323Z; no other aircraft in the world at that time, Axis or Allied, could possibly have carried it. Had series production been authorised, the Z was intended to be an ultra-long-range transport and launch platform for the V-1 cruise missile, as well as a conventional heavy bomber.

another idea, the Me323E2/WT Gunship:

its all about "what-if" monsters, even assymetric ..   ;D

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