hmm, how do you mrename it so it does not conflict with the default or non-bomber one. i put it in and the standard one appeared only. as for specs first one is a nightfighter profile with equipped with FUG-218 V2R and FLIG 2.17-R radar.;maritime would be depth charges ; a single torpedo; maybe gunpod underneath
Werk Nr 322127 Edit
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Werk Nr 322127 in British markings[1]
Werk Nr 322127 was a Siebel Si.204D
Assigned to an unknown unit as BU+PP,[2] and equipped with FUG-218 V2R and FLIG 2.17-R, this aircraft was designed to train Ju-88 and He-219 night fighter radar operators. After the war it was studied by the RAF, in the original German camouflage - dark green and black and green - complemented with gray on the lower surface. The German markings were partially painted over by the British, the last two letters of the original matriculation BU PP being replaced by Air Min 4.[1]
? 1.0 1.1 ? LEMB Archive
World War 2
Siebel Si 204
Individual Aircraft
Air Min Coded Aircraft
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