The Messerschmitt Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4 *4.101m, 4.11.1m & 4.12.2m*
---> Download Ultimate Pack 109s v4 (Mediafire ~198mb) ---> Download Ultimate Pack 109s v4 (Mission4Today ~198mb)... for 4.09m users:
This version will NOT work for you. Please see bottom of this topic:,14700.0.htmlDesert Map Load.ini Patch (To make trop filters and camo show up on desert maps):,4381.0.htmlNew in Version 4- Rewritten code to incorporate changes from 4.11.1m and 4.12.2m
- Packed into SFS for first time
- Added new variants - Early 109s, S-199, T-1, T-2 and G-2 1.3ata
- G-2 returned to default 1.42 ata engine boost
- Added new trop filters from TD
- Using JapanCat's 3D (unfortunately not latest high def beta - it is currently incomplete)
- Significantly expanded static aircraft list - shows trop filters on desert maps
- Added Jeronimo's wheels and prop mod
- Added startup flame mod
- Added Wolfighter's pilots
- Includes Der Wurstenfuch's cockpits by default
- Many custom skins removed in favour of excellent default skins in 4.11.1m and 4.12.2m
- AllHolesSolved bugs finally fixed! No more disappearing fuselages, issues with bailing out or bouncing crashed aircraft
Features - Covers entire range of 109s from B to Z (N.B. Jabos, Recon and Trop variants combined into parent slot)
Early: B-1, B-2, C-1, D-1
Emil: E-1, E-3, E-4, E-4/B, E-4/N, E-7/B, E-7/Z, E-7/N, T-1, T-2
Fredrich: F-0, F-1, F-2, F-2/U Galland, F-3, F-4, F-4 1.3ata, F-4/Z
Gustav: G-1, G-2, G-2 1.3ata, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-5/AS, G-6, G-6 1.3ata, G-6 Erla, G-6 Tall Tail, G-6 late, G-6/AS, G-14/AS, G-14, G-10, G-10C3, G-10 Erla
Kurfurst: K-4, K-4C3, K-6, K-14
Other: Z, S-199
- Historically correct weapon loadouts, markings and models
- Historically correct FM and performance on new 109s
- Highly detailed cockpit by Der Wurstenfuch (based on Freddy's orginal work)
- Accurate 3D for all models by JapanCat
- New LOD1 shadows for all
- Opening canopies, which are affect FM when open in flight
- Dynamic and working Trop Filters
- New 'All Holes Solved' Plus mod (for all 109s)
- Extensive list of static aircraft for mission builders
Installation Instructions & Credits:*N.B. This mod supercedes the majority of Bf-109 mods around. It is suggested that you remove all previous Bf-109s to prevent a conflict. In addition, a few aircraft variants which are available as single slots are in the pack, however they are rolled in as loadout options. It is your choice whether you install them however we won't be adding these slots to this pack in the future*CREDITS
3D - JapanCat, Anto, Docholiday, Muas, Ranwers, Huninthesun, Zorin, C6_Claymore, Birdman, Wolfighter, PA_Jeronimo, Team Daedalus, Maddox:1C
Classfiles - Anto, Sani, Monguse, Muas, Huninthesun, Charliechap, SAS~Cirx, Josse, Radar, Wolfighter, Karaya, Danzigzag, Godzyla, HaDeS
Flight Models- Karaya, Anto, Kwiatek, Maddox:1C
Textures - Cpt Farrell, Freddy, Shooter, Jester's Ink, Wolfighter, Avala, PA-Jeronimo, Greif11, Anto
Special thanks to Stefan2 for his help compiling this pack together
Project directed by Anto
Beta testing by SAS Admins, Modders and UP team
1) Ensure you have 4.12.2m running ModAct 5.2 or later
2) Extract the SFS_AUTO file to your Il-2 directory
3) To enable early Bf-109D, early Emil tail Hakencruz and early F-0 tail, remove the "-" from "-sas_bf109_02.sfs"
4) Extract the Ultimate 109s folder to your #SAS or Mods directory
5) Add the air.ini/plane/weapons lines as per the readme
6) Optional stationary planes are listed in a separate readme
1) Ensure you have 4.101m and 4.11.1m, running either SAS ModAct or DBW1.71
2) Copy the files in the SFS_AUTO directory and place in your SAS_SFS directory
3) To enable early Bf-109D, early Emil tail Hakencruz and early F-0 tail, remove the "-" from "-sas_bf109_02.sfs"
4) Add the following lines to your .RC file (N.B. sas_bf109_02.sfs is optional for early markings mod):
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sas_bf109_01.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sas_bf109_02.sfs
@sfs MOUNT SAS_SFS/sas_bf109_cockpit.sfs
4) Extract the Ultimate 109s folder to your #SAS, #DBW or Mods directory
5) Add the air.ini/plane/weapons lines as per the readme
6) Optional stationary planes are listed in a separate readme
Project directed by SAS~Anto
Beta testing by SAS Admins and Modders
SAS Modact Patch by SAS~CirX & the SAS Team