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Author Topic: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4  (Read 118735 times)

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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #156 on: February 14, 2016, 06:08:42 AM »

search and find other mods folders with 109xxx subfolders inside
(and there some hier.him etc files), disable this mods or subfolders
and try again. What have you installed via jsgme?

Thanks I checked and it appears to be the GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,28988.0.html

When I switch it off the canopies work fine but when it's active the problem occurs.

The BF109 ultimate pack loads first then then GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack loads afterwards.  A shame as I like the remodeled Greifwerke cockpits.  I suppose so long as I don't open the canopies it shouldn't be a problem.

Both mods have been inserted in the SAS mods folder I couldn't see anything in JSGME that might interfere.

Looks like someone else had the same problem in the GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack (I just found it)

Hello! First of all, thankyou for this wonderfull work!
I'm running il2 1964 + DBW1.7.1 + TFM
Now two problems:

1. the bf109 older models have the canopy misplaced. the entire canopy is in middle of cockpit  "floating"

I have the same issue

I do hope there is a fix for this since this mod is really well done!


The work around I found is rem out the Bf-109 E-7 cockpit in this mod. Apparently the early Bf-109 cockpits are based off of the E-7


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #157 on: February 14, 2016, 08:04:34 AM »

... several solutions can be tried here ...

1) rename GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack folder so that it loads before Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4

Like that for ex:

#GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack

If this doesn't work, then:

2) open GW_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack and comment out the Bf-109E-7 folder by putting a minus sign just in front of it, like that:



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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #158 on: February 15, 2016, 02:48:25 AM »

Thanks Mick :) I went for the 2nd option in the end and deleted the Bf-109E-7 folder no problems now


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #159 on: June 01, 2016, 10:30:55 PM »

Hey gents,

Has anyone tried this Bf-109 ultimate pack in Il2 4.13? I'm tempted to, but by now
all too aware of consequences from rash actions... :-|
Thoughts? Opinions?
Thanks... :)



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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #160 on: June 02, 2016, 04:20:58 AM »

I have. It works just fine.  :)

Works in both 4.13(RC04) and 4.13.1 (4.13.2 does not, and likely will not, have a modactivator for it, so it naturally will not work there)


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #161 on: June 12, 2016, 09:18:26 PM »

Hello, I have a question, as I can remove the lights when I fly and fire when I start the engine?


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #162 on: July 17, 2016, 05:40:44 PM »

Hi all.

attention, the next mod, Call: Fixed cowling engine & props for this link: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=25142.0 
makes disappear the next Bf 109 for the this beautifull Bf109 Mod:

Bf109 G5
Bf109 G6 and G6 1.32 ATA 1942

Solution to been delete folders within the mod Fixed cowling engine & props, you concerning aircraft that do not appear.


luke scott

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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #163 on: August 03, 2016, 12:35:40 PM »

how do i install it correctly becauuse i found that the instructions on the read me were not clear


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #164 on: August 05, 2016, 05:40:26 PM »

UPDATE - Paul as fixed this issue - Static aircraft now appear

Question for SAS~Anto or anyone else that may know:

I use Paul Lowengrin's DCG to generate semi-dynamic campaigns and here is a small part of how it works:

  • DCG can detect the type of aircraft stationed at a given airfield and substitute any static aircraft there (within a given radius) with the matching static aircraft type.

DCG detects a unit assigned to the airfield is using the air.BF_109F2 and a static object named vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F4 is in the vicinity. DCG then substitutes the (Plane$BF_109F4) with the (Plane$BF_109F2), the correct static aircraft.

This makes it easy to populate airfields with the correct aircraft assigned there - cool right?  ;)

This doesn't work with the Ultimate Pack aircraft and a several other because the static use a non IL-2 standard naming convention e.g. vehicles.planes.UltimateBf109Static$BF_109F0 instead or Plane$BF_109F0. The result is DCG doesn't generate a static on the airfield.

A workaround would be to manually change "UltimateBf109Static" = "Plane" in my stationary.ini file but I wanted to know if that would break anything with this mod?

 ----Tried it and IL-2 CTD :( any workarounds or other files I need to modify?


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2016, 05:58:49 AM »

The name is coded in the classfiles....maybe the original UltimateBf109Static$BF_109F0 is used among other plane version name to don't interfere with game stock planes....

The issue can be only solved editing the clasfiles....maybe using the extension Plane$BF_109F0_UltimateBf109Static....


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #166 on: August 07, 2016, 08:48:58 AM »

Thanks for the reply Whiskey! I don't think it's to interfere with stock planes because - example the Bf 1009F-0 isn't a stock aircraft. However, you answered my question - it's not an easy fix. Paul said he looking to create an exception file for the non standard nomenclature.


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Re: Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v4
« Reply #167 on: August 09, 2016, 07:48:16 PM »

Question for SAS~Anto or anyone else that may know:

I use Paul Lowengrin's DCG to generate semi-dynamic campaigns and here is a small part of how it works:

  • DCG can detect the type of aircraft stationed at a given airfield and substitute any static aircraft there (within a given radius) with the matching static aircraft type.

DCG detects a unit assigned to the airfield is using the air.BF_109F2 and a static object named vehicles.planes.Plane$BF_109F4 is in the vicinity. DCG then substitutes the (Plane$BF_109F4) with the (Plane$BF_109F2), the correct static aircraft.

This makes it easy to populate airfields with the correct aircraft assigned there - cool right?  ;)

This doesn't work with the Ultimate Pack aircraft and a several other because the static use a non IL-2 standard naming convention e.g. vehicles.planes.UltimateBf109Static$BF_109F0 instead or Plane$BF_109F0. The result is DCG doesn't generate a static on the airfield.

A workaround would be to manually change "UltimateBf109Static" = "Plane" in my stationary.ini file but I wanted to know if that would break anything with this mod?

 ----Tried it and IL-2 CTD :( any workarounds or other files I need to modify?

Wooo.. is very hard for me.. i limited to Install airplanes, maps, fixes and fx.. only in SAS MOD act 5.3.. DCG no understand
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