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Author Topic: SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m  (Read 393909 times)

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SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:00:46 AM »

Next offical Patch means next Modact!  :D

After another tremendous team effort, SAS is once again proud to present:

the SAS Seriously KickAss Mod Activator v5.30 for 4.12.2m!!


Modact 5.3x

AI Flyables Pack 5.3x

SAS Featured JSGME Optional Mods for Modact 5.3x

SAS Featured JSGME Optional Mods Package Contents:
  • Big Clouds Mod by Manysh
  • Blender Ocean simulator powered wave textures by Herra Tohtori
  • Cowling Engines & Prop Mod by PA_Jeronimo
  • German Gunpods Mod by PA_Jeronimo
  • Gore For All Planes by Wolfighter
  • Guncam Tracers by santobr
  • VisualMOD8 by P.A.L
  • MissionPro Combo by P.A.L
  • New Mod Wheels by PA_Jeronimo
  • True Color HD Skins by Carsmaster
  • Water=4 by Carsmaster

Cheers to SAS Team and Modders for testing

Special thanks (with no claim of completeness) go to:
  • 1C/Maddox for having developed this wonderful game (Ilya we miss you :'( )
  • Team Daidalos for their outstanding efforts to keep this game alive and for the perfect patch they've delivered again
  • A big hand to Nicolas Trudgian and Ronnie Olsthoorn for their cooperation agreement which resulted in our permission to use their outstanding artwork for the Modact Splash Screens. We can't emphasize enough that their websites are worth each visit, please check here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,35349.0.html
  • All modders having contributed in one or the other way to the development of this Modact (the names below a just a very small subset of people involved)
  • SAS~Malone and SAS~Bombsaway for their endless patience and perfect performance in bug testing this release
  • Our Superschool modders for their endless patience in bugtesting numerous beta versions of the new selector v3
  • benitomuso for providing sources and permission to use his MissionPro Combo and VisualMOD8 mods
  • Manysh for his nice cloud mod which became part of this pack, kind like a "proof of concept" for easy integration of such kind of mods
  • Herra Tohtori for giving permission to include his wonderful Blender Ocean simulator powered wave textures into our JSGME mods package, much appreciated!
  • PA_Jeronimo for a set of mods which made it into the JSGME mods package too, as there are: Cowling Engines & Props, German Gunpods and New Mod Wheels. Cheers!
  • Wolfighter for his wonderful Gore Mod, which simply had to be in the JSGME mods package. Cheers!
  • Carsmaster for his tremendous work on HD textures, which made it in the JSGME mods package of course. Cheers!
  • santobr for his Guncam Tracers (in JSGME mods package). Cheers!
  • Special Thanks to Gamekeeper @Mission4Today for generously and repeatedly offering space and bandwidth for high performance download mirrors!
  • any other we forgot to mention here: We thank you too!

8) Salut!

SAS~Storebror aka Mike
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Download Links for SAS Modact 5.30
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 08:07:36 AM »

DOWNLOAD LINKS for MODACT v5.30 for 4.12.2m: (241 MB)
Please note it is STRONGLY suggested you start with a fresh 4.12.2m install before switching over to Modact 5.30

Mirror 1: Modact 5.30 (Mission4Today)
Mirror 2: Modact 5.30 (Mediafire)

Other Mirrors welcome, please post download links in this thread, thanks!

~ Torrent: See Attachment.
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Cutting the line before this ratio has been reached would be unfair to other members who rely on Torrent seeders for that file, too.
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Download Links for SAS Modact 5.3x Patches
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2013, 08:11:58 AM »

No Patches available yet.
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Installation Instructions for SAS Modact 5.30
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2013, 08:14:29 AM »

Installation Instructions for SAS Modact 5.30:

Run the self-extracting installer, select your IL-2 4.12.2m game folder as target for installation, let the installer do it's job, run the game and enjoy!
(Please note it is STRONGLY suggested you start with a fresh 4.12.2m install before switching over to Modact 5.30)

For those who still want to upgrade their existing Modact 5.2x Installation, this is the way which worked for the developers, though it's still strictly unsupported and in case of trouble you have to start with a fresh 4.12.2m installation instead of asking for support (which you won't get in that case):

  • Copy your customized files from #SAS folder/subfolders (just the ones you touched and modified after Modact 5.1 installation) to a safe place. You might want to keep them for later reuse.
  • Copy your customized files from SFS_AUTO folder to a safe place. You might want to keep them for later reuse.
  • Copy your customized files from jsgmemods folder to a safe place. You might want to keep them for later reuse.
  • Remove #SAS folder
  • Remove SFS_AUTO folder
  • Remove jsgmemods  folder
  • Install IL-2 Patch 4.12.2
  • Install Modact 5.3
  • Run Selector, apply and safe settings
  • Run JSGME, enable mods of your choice
  • Run il2fb.exe

For users who have an older Modact 4.0/3.0x and need to upgrade:

Unfortunately we don’t have much good news for you. With any game version change, it brings multiple changes and it is difficult to predict all of the side-effects. Therefore as much as pain it is, we STRONGLY recommend you create a fresh Il-2 install, patched all the way to 4.12.2m before installing Modact v5.30. For those still on Modact v3.06/v4.0, DBW 1.71 4.101m, HSFX 6 installs, they aren’t lost forever. We suggest porting your mods across one by one and seeing what happens.

You can try just patching your current install to 4.12.2m and plonking this over the top but it is likely it won’t work. You should do this at your own risk! We are still in the process of confirming what mods are and aren’t compatible with 4.12.x, Heretic has done a superb work in setting up this extremely comprehensive list of mods which have been reported to be compatible with 4.12.x:
A big hand to Heretic for this tremendous effort!
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Installation Instructions for SAS Modact 5.3x Patches
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2013, 08:15:08 AM »

No Patches yet, hence no installation instructions for them.
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Changelog, Hints, Known Bugs etc. for SAS Modact 5.3x
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 08:24:54 AM »

Modact 5 Changelog (newest first):
Code: [Select]
*** Modact 5.30 (Full Package): ***

- supported base game version: 4.12.2m
- updated buttons with several bugfixes, all stock flyable planes have their stock Flight Model now (despite having different engine sounds sometimes)
- basic Modact 5 package location changed from "SFS_AUTO" to base game folder, gives possibility to rename "SFS_AUTO" folder or use different/additional SFS autoload folder(s)
- "light" Splash Screens provided (1MB texture size instead of default 4MB, for very weak and old graphics cards, enable this feature through JSGME if you get a black screen on game start)
- lots of addition conf.ini parameters added to [Mods] section, just to mention a few:
  * RandomSplash=<0 or 1, default 1> : Setting this to "0" disables random Splash Screen, single Splash Screen loaded has to be defined in file gui\background.mat (4:3 screen) and/or gui\wide_background.mat (16:9 screen)
  * netCallsign=<Your Online Callsign here> : Here you can set an Online Callsign which will override the name setting of your currently selected user, this can be useful e.g. if you want to have a callsign containing Spaces.
Changed JSGME options:
- implemented benitomuso's VisualMOD8 as replacement for previously provided MiniMap mod

Modact Patch 5.22:
* Fixed missing Hawk 75 Aircraft in online sessions.
  This issue was caused by the Hawk 75 being renamed in IL-2 4.12.1
  from "H-75" to "Hawk-75".
* Added a function to display on splashscreen whether or not the SAS
  flyable AI package is active.

Modact Patch 5.21:
* Fixed "Online Smoke Bug", where several aircraft (109, Hurricane, several Spits,
  several 190 and some other aircraft) appear smoking (rich mixture smoke) to
  stock players when playing a dogfight/coop mission over the net.
  This is the first time this fix doesn't require a separate "online" buttons version
  anymore, instead offline and online buttons are the same now.

* Added optional log.lst output of FM parameter changes coming along with the
  above mentioned fix. When you edit/add this to your conf.ini
  ShowOnlineCompatibleFlightModelChanges = 1
  you will get log.lst entries whenever an FM was altered "on the fly" in order
  to solve the above mentioned issue. Note that this conf.ini entry is just required
  for log entries, the mod itself works the same without it.

* Fixed the runtime exception previously generated by Aircraft which's FM doesn't
  contain the new Mach Drag parameters from 4.12.1m yet.
  Instead these FMs will revert to a default (uncrossable) Mach barrier at
  Mach 1.0 now.

*** Modact 5.20 (Full Package): ***

- supported base game version: 4.12.1m
- updated buttons with several bugfixes
Included JSGME options:
- Forgotten Countries
- SAS FX Small Collection
- FOV mod
- Random Belt Start Position
- Carrier Take Off Mod
- Hankenkreuz disabler Mod
Other JSGME mods have been shifted into dedicated optional package.

*** Modact 5.12 (Current Cumulative Patch, obsolete): ***

- lots of aircraft sound matrix issues fixed
- buttons file cleaned, duplicates, old format and bogus files removed (thanks to chrisgibon!)
- PAL FMB Regiment dropdown not working issue fixed
- IL-2 Watchdog dynamic links to Visual C++ Runtime Libraries fixed
- Il-2 Selector updated to 3.1.1
- Pe-2 bombsight FOV too narrow issue fixed (thanks to the_woz!)
- PAL Minimap = no fullscreen map
- static.ini "BambooHut" building entry errors fixed
- 109 "canopy open" issue fixed
- Cockpit Wind Bug fixed (thanks for reminding me, SAS~Le0ne)

Remaining known issues in Modact 5.12:

- PAL Minimap = no fullscreen map

*** Modact 5.11 (Patch, obsolete): ***

- "Mission null" / pink plane error when trying to fly Beauforts fixed
- CTD (crash to desktop) when selecting finnish Hawk 75s fixed

*** Modact 5.10 (Full Package, obsolete): ***

Updated to run with 4.12m

Latest Il-2 Selector 3.1.0 inlcuding updated documentation (read it! You might need it!)

Updated Buttons (basically buttons 10.3 lifted to 4.12 standards)

Included JSGME options:
- Forgotten Countries
- SAS FX Small Collection
- HD Skins with True Color support (special thanks to Carsmaster)
- Water=4 Mod by Carsmaster
- MissionPro Combo 4.12m (special thanks to benitomuso)
- MiniMap mod for 4.12m by benitomuso
- FOV mod
- Big Clouds mod (special thanks to Manysh)
- Random Belt Start Position

Known Bugs:
Code: [Select]
* CTO Mod doesn't support angle carrier decks yet.
There's a pretty comprehensive list of mods which have been tested for compatibility with IL-2 4.12.x and Modact 5.x, check the list here before asking questions which have been answered already please:
(A big thanks to Heretic for providing this list!)

Like to have some HSFX eye candy in Modact 5?
Easy to achieve: Just copy all fb_hfx*.sfs files from your HSFX 7 folder to the "SFS_AUTO" folder of Modact 5.
It's about 5 Gigabytes in total, bear with us that we don't mirror that amount of data here. If you like the files, download HSFX 7 and you get them for free.

Splash Screens

To change the Splash Screens, read the note above for new conf.ini parameter "RandomSplash" and/or follow the hints below:
The Splash Screens reside in the "gui" folder of the game's file structure, which means if you wanna use your own Splash Screens you first have to setup a regarding own Mod folder like this:
Code: [Select]
<Your Game's Folder Name Here>\#SAS\<Choose a nice name for your Splash Screen Mod here>\guiPlease replace "<Your Game's Folder Name Here>" by the folder name where your game is installed, e.g. "C:\IL2\Modact 5" and replace "<Choose a nice name for your Splash Screen Mod here>" by what it tells you, e.g. "MyCustomSplashScreens".
Modact 5 ships with 15 Splash Screens included.
All Splash Screen exist in two variations, both "normal" (i.e. 4:3) aspect ratio and "wide" (e.g. 16:9) aspect ratio.
These two variations exist for all supported languages of the game each, consisting of Czech ("cs"), German ("de"), French ("fr"), Russian ("ru") and "others" (no postamble).
Each Splash Screen consists of a ".mat" file and a corresponding image file ".tga".
The file size of the image file must not exceed 4MB and the file has to be in 24bpp uncompressed format, this means the maximum resolution for 4:3 aspect ratio images is 1366x1025 pixels and for 16:9 aspect ratio images it is 1577x887 pixels.

If you want to implement your own custom Splash Screen Image, you have to create the set of ".mat" file(s) for the language(s) required and the corresponding ".tga" image file(s) for the aspect ratio(s) required. The safest way is to create files for all supported languages and aspect ratios, the same way as Modact 5 does.
For the first Splash Screen the file names required for the ".mat" files thus are:
Code: [Select]

The content of such a ".mat" file looks like this:
Code: [Select]
  ClassName TMaterial
  TextureName <Your Image File Name Here>.tga
  tfNoWriteZ 1
  tfNoDegradation 1
  tfMinLinear 1
  tfMagLinear 1
The only thing you need to edit is "<Your Image File Name Here>" which you replace with the name of your Splash Screen Image (TGA 24bpp uncompressed <4MB) file.
For instance if your Splash Screen Image is "4by3image1.tga" then the content of the ".mat" file would be:
Code: [Select]
  ClassName TMaterial
  TextureName 4by3image1.tga
  tfNoWriteZ 1
  tfNoDegradation 1
  tfMinLinear 1
  tfMagLinear 1
Each ".mat" file points to a corresponding image. Multiple ".mat" files can point to the same image.
For instance in Modact 5 for each Splash Screen all language variations point to the same image file.
As a matter of fact, reasonably the 4:3 images are different to the 16:9 images usually.

Since Modact 5 ships with 15 Splash Screens included (no. 0 through 14) and it automatically picks one of them on startup, if you wanna replace all Splash Screens by your custom Screen(s) you have to replace all ".mat" files counting from 0 to 14, even if they all (or many of them) point to the same image file.

Edit Gerax Nov14:

Thread about how to change your backgrounds:
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Download Links for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.30
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2013, 08:28:10 AM »

DOWNLOAD LINKS for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.30 for 4.12.2m: (262 MB)
A working Modact v5.3x installation is required for this pack!

Mirror 1: AI Flyables 5.30 (Mission4Today)
Mirror 2: AI Flyables 5.30 (Mediafire)

Other Mirrors welcome, please post download links in this thread, thanks!

~ Torrent: See Attachment.
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Cutting the line before this ratio has been reached would be unfair to other members who rely on Torrent seeders for that file, too.
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Download Links for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.3x Patches
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 08:28:57 AM »

No Patches yet.
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Installation Instructions for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.30
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2013, 08:34:02 AM »

Installation Instructions for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.30:

Run the self-extracting installer, select your IL-2 4.12.2m + Modact 5.3x game folder as target for installation, and let the installer do it's job.
Activate "#SAS_Flyable AI Aircraft" in JSGME, run the game and enjoy!
(Please note that a working IL-2 4.12.2m + Modact 5.3x installation is required for this Pack!)

For upgrading instructions please refer to the regarding part of the Installation Instructions for SAS Modact 5.30 Post.
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Installation Instructions for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.3x Patches
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 08:34:52 AM »

No Patches yet, hence no installation instructions.
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Changelog, Hints, Known Bugs etc. for SAS AI Flyables Pack 5.3x
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2013, 08:35:22 AM »

No Hints for this pack yet.

Code: [Select]
*** AI Flyables Pack5.30 (Full Package): ***

- supported base game version: 4.12.2m
- Fixed bombardier position / bombsight bugs on B6N2, FW-200, LI-2, MBR-2 (AM34), PBN-1, SU-2, TU-2
- AI Flyables Pack Splash Screen Message added

*** AI Flyables Pack 5.20 (Full Package): ***

- initial release version
- supported base game version: 4.12m and 4.12.1m
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Download Links for SAS Featured JSGME Optional Mods for Modact 5.3
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2013, 08:36:53 AM »

DOWNLOAD LINKS for SAS Featured JSGME Optional Mods for Modact 5.3x: (109 MB)
A working Modact v5.3x installation is required for this pack!

Mirror 1: JSGME Mods for Modact 5.3x (Mission4Today)
Mirror 2: JSGME Mods for Modact 5.3x (Mediafire)

Other Mirrors welcome, please post download links in this thread, thanks!

~ Torrent: See Attachment.
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Cutting the line before this ratio has been reached would be unfair to other members who rely on Torrent seeders for that file, too.
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