Hi everyone! My second post! Woo!
*cough*... anyway...
I've come to this forum because of all of the modding goodness when I had il-2 installed on my old computer, but now I am trying to get all the mods installed on my new computer, using Modact 5.3. I installed it on a fresh install and tried to install the 1956 mod, and got everything to work, except, i couldn't find the plane_ru, or weapon_ru files that I remembered from my old il-2 days. Looking through this thread...
tripletrouble - "I have been trying desperately to add a few plane packs to 4.12.2, I know where to find everything and how to put it in, but I do not know where 5.3 put the plane.ru and weapon.ru files. I tried searching for it in the Il-2 Folder but nothing was found. Do I just put them in the jsgmemods folder, or what?"
...I tried what you guys suggested, and I used plane.properties and weapon.properties as if it was the old plane_ru and weapon_ru files. I launched the game, and there was no change.
After some investigation, I tried launching without
ANY of the weapons.properties or plane.properties, and the game still launched fine and had no effect. So, I am really confused about where to add the plane_ru and weapon_ru lines to the game. If anyone could help, it would be very appreciated.
SHORT VERSION- Installed Modact 5.3 and hotfixes, AI flyables, and Optional Mods
- Installed Il-2 1956 Mod Pack
- Placed air.ini lines to air.ini
- Placed weapons_ru.properties lines to weapons.properties, placed plane_ru.properties lines to plane.properties
No change in game (aircraft selectable, but no load-out and can't fly) - Deleted all plane.properties and weapons.properties
No change (Exact same as before) - Confusion, and headaches, and came to forums
Thank you all for making these incredible mods and making this game even greater than before!
P.S. Sorry if I have just insulted everyone for being an idiot with some really obvious problem with an even more obvious solution.