Update packs 5 and 6 for "IL-2 SCW" contain a lot of material for the Sino-Japanese war (not least maps, exclusive aircraft, a Chinese campaign folder and a Chinese speech pack) and this campaign pack tries to make good use of this:

After a series of small, local engagements fought during the thirties, in July 1937 Japan started a direct invasion of China. Initially the Japanese scored major victories, taking Shanghai after heavy fighting, and by the end of the year also captured the Chinese capital of Nanking - brutally killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process.
At the start of 1938, the Japanese government and GHQ had in effect lost control of the Japanese army in China. With so many victories achieved, the Japanese field generals escalated the war. Afraid of getting bogged down in a endless war of attrition they deployed most of their armies in China in order to attack the city of Wuhan, which by now was the new political, economic and military center of China, hoping to force the Chinese Kuomintang government to sue for a peace in all ways beneficial to Japan.
The result was the epic struggle for Wuhan. It lasted four and half months, was the longest, largest and perhaps the most significant battle of the entire Second Sino-Japanese War, and one of the largest land campaigns of the 20th century prior to WW2.
The nine campaigns supplied in this campaign pack tries to portray the fighting in the air during this crucial battle. You can try on the role as a Japanese or a Chinese pilot, a Russian or a French volunteer, fighting for the ill-equipped Chinese air force.
Included are nine campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the epic Wuhan Battles of 1938. (The campaign is of course built on
Agraciers Wuhan map.) These are
Two Japanese army Air Force fighter campaigns, for the following aircraft:
* The Nakajima Ki-27
* The Kawasaki Ki-10One Japanese Navy Airforce fighter campaign, for
* The Mitsubishi A5MSix Chinese campaigns, for the following aircraft:
* The Dewoitine D.510
* The Gloster Gladiator Mk I
* The Curtiss Hawk III
* The Curtiss Hawk 75M
* The Polikarpov I-15bis
* The Polikarpov I-16As my other campaign packs for IL-2 SCW all missions make extensive use of
Checkyersix’s GREAT Command & Control Mod with a number of randomizers, which means that the time of day, the weather, the skill and composition of the opposition will vary A LOT, even if you replay the same mission twice. I hope that this will make the player forgive and even forget that what is offered here is basically two different campaigns, in eight variations - three Japanese and six Chinese. The missions will still not be exactly the same, thanks to the C&C Mod!
I have tried here to be true to my new "Reality dogma" of campaign and mission building, i.e. A.) Only use aircraft actually used at that time B.) Only use maps portraying the actual terrain over which the air battles were fought C.) Only use historically correct skins (17 are included), and D.) Only use historically correct dates and frontlines.
You can download it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1855Thanks for looking!