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Author Topic: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!  (Read 9180 times)

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Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« on: November 08, 2013, 01:18:13 PM »

In this thread I will gather links and info related to campaigns that has been made with and for the "IL-2 SCW" Mod Pack.

First out is the "Aragon Offensive" Campaign Pack:

This is a pack with 8 campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the decisive Nationalist spring offensive in Aragon in 1938. Five are Nationalist, three for the Republic.

DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1810

The Aragon Offensive was a highly successful and eventually decisive Nationalist campaign during the Spanish Civil War, which began after the Battle of Teruel. The offensive, which ran from March 7, 1938 to April 19, 1938, smashed the Republican forces, overran Aragon, and conquered parts of Catalonia and the Levante. This meant that the Republic was split in two, which of course greatly hampered its war effort. It was a blow that the Republic never really recovered from.

The "Aragon Offensive" campaign pack contains:

Five Nationalist light bomber campaigns, for the following aircraft:
i. The Aero A.101 “Papagayo”
ii. The Breda Ba.65
iii. The Imam Romeo Ro.37
iv. The Heinkel He-51C
v. The Junkers Ju-87A “Stuka”
Note that you will also fly one mission with the Vultee V-1A.

Three Republican fighter campaigns, for the following aircraft:
i. The Grumman Delfin
ii. The Polikarpov I-15 “Chato”
iii. The Polikarpov I-16 “Mosca
Note that you will also fly one mission with the Northrop Gamma.

Although these eight campaigns are essentially variations of two campaigns (one Nationalist and one Republican) they all make extensive use of Checkyersix’s GREAT Command & Control Mod with a number of randomizers, which means that the time of day, the weather, the skill and composition of the opposition will vary A LOT, even if you replay the same mission twice.
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 01:24:55 PM »

Next is "Drive on Bilbao":

This is a semi-historical campaign, 8 missions long, set in the spring of 1937, during the nationalist offensive against the Basque countries and Bilbao. You are a German volunteer pilot, who has enlisted in the "Legion Condor". Initially you will fly the pretty obsolete Heinkel He-51C, but eventually you will switch to the latest fighter of the Luftwaffe, the Messerschmitt Bf 109B!

DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1811

Bilbao was the capital of the autonomous Basque area established by the Republic after the war began. On 31 March 1937, the Nationalists, led by the General Mola, launched an offensive against the Biscay province. The Basque troops had to retire and by June the Nationalist reached the outskirts of Bilbao. The outcome of the Offensive was a big blow to the Republic, not least because the industrial resources of this area proved to be strategic. It was during this campaign that the infamous bombing of Guernica took place.
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2013, 04:53:45 PM »

GREAT! many thanks for your continued effort to provide us sim nerds with stuff to drool over :)
I am also looking forward to some campaigning food for your latest SCW update ;)



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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2013, 05:02:01 PM »

Greatly enjoyed Drive on Bilboa, thank for the hard work you have put in.


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2013, 01:33:16 PM »

This is not a Spanish Civil War campaign pack, but it is a pre-september 1939 one:  ;)

The Battles of Khalkhin Gol constituted the decisive engagement of the undeclared Soviet–Japanese border conflicts fought between the Soviet Union, Mongolia and the Empire of Japan in May - August 1939. The conflict was named after the river Khalkhin-Gol, which passes through the battlefield. (In Japan, the conflict is known as the Nomonhan Incident.)

The three-month long conflict was the result of the ambitions of the planning staff of the Kwantung Army, which pushed its own aggressive agenda. The staff saw the ill-defined border with the Peoples’ Republic of Mongolia as a venue for establishing Japanese dominance in the area and building their own military reputations. So the Kwantung Army, on its initiative, expelled Soviet and Mongolian troops from the disputed area by force in July 1939.

This led to a limited small-scale war that ended in September with the Kwantung Army soundly defeated at the hands of the rising star Soviet general Georgy Zhukov and the Japanese government agreeing to the Soviet definition of the border. With no further threat of a second front from Japan, the Soviet Union was free to concentrate on war in Europe, and Stalin proceeded with the invasion of Poland on 17 September, and Finland in November.

Included in the campaign pack are seven campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the Khalkin-Gol Battles in 1939. These are

Two Japanese campaigns, for the following aircraft:
i. The Nakajima Ki-27
ii. The Kawasaki Ki-10

Five USSR campaigns, for the following aircraft:
i. The Polikarpov I-153
ii. The Polikarpov I-16 (two campaigns)
iii. The Polikarpov RZ Light bomber / Recce
iv. The Neman R-10 Light bomber / Recce

Most missions make extensive use of Checkyersix’s GREAT Command & Control Mod with a number of randomizers, which means that the time of day, the weather, the skill and composition of the opposition will vary A LOT, even if you replay the same mission twice.

You can download it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1818

Thanks for looking!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2013, 01:42:48 PM »

Update packs 5 and 6 for "IL-2 SCW" contain a lot of material for the Sino-Japanese war (not least maps, exclusive aircraft, a Chinese campaign folder and a Chinese speech pack) and this campaign pack tries to make good use of this:  ;)

After a series of small, local engagements fought during the thirties, in July 1937 Japan started a direct invasion of China. Initially the Japanese scored major victories, taking Shanghai after heavy fighting, and by the end of the year also captured the Chinese capital of Nanking - brutally killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process.

At the start of 1938, the Japanese government and GHQ had in effect lost control of the Japanese army in China. With so many victories achieved, the Japanese field generals escalated the war. Afraid of getting bogged down in a endless war of attrition they deployed most of their armies in China in order to attack the city of Wuhan, which by now was the new political, economic and military center of China, hoping to force the Chinese Kuomintang government to sue for a peace in all ways beneficial to Japan.

The result was the epic struggle for Wuhan. It lasted four and half months, was the longest, largest and perhaps the most significant battle of the entire Second Sino-Japanese War, and one of the largest land campaigns of the 20th century prior to WW2.

The nine campaigns supplied in this campaign pack tries to portray the fighting in the air during this crucial battle. You can try on the role as a Japanese or a Chinese pilot, a Russian or a French volunteer, fighting for the ill-equipped Chinese air force.

Included are nine campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the epic Wuhan Battles of 1938. (The campaign is of course built on Agraciers Wuhan map.) These are

Two Japanese army Air Force fighter campaigns, for the following aircraft:
* The Nakajima Ki-27
* The Kawasaki Ki-10

One Japanese Navy Airforce fighter campaign, for
* The Mitsubishi A5M
Six Chinese campaigns, for the following aircraft:
* The Dewoitine D.510
* The Gloster Gladiator Mk I
* The Curtiss Hawk III
* The Curtiss Hawk 75M
* The Polikarpov I-15bis
* The Polikarpov I-16

As my other campaign packs for IL-2 SCW all missions make extensive use of Checkyersix’s GREAT Command & Control Mod with a number of randomizers, which means that the time of day, the weather, the skill and composition of the opposition will vary A LOT, even if you replay the same mission twice. I hope that this will make the player forgive and even forget that what is offered here is basically two different campaigns, in eight variations - three Japanese and six Chinese. The missions will still not be exactly the same, thanks to the C&C Mod!

I have tried here to be true to my new "Reality dogma" of campaign and mission building, i.e. A.) Only use aircraft actually used at that time B.) Only use maps portraying the actual terrain over which the air battles were fought C.) Only use historically correct skins (17 are included), and D.) Only use historically correct dates and frontlines.

You can download it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1855

Thanks for looking!  :)

Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2014, 04:08:36 PM »

Hi Poltava,

I've downloaded the Wuhan campaign, I was just wondering what Chinese rank corresponds to 1st Lieut.? :)

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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2014, 06:09:14 PM »

Great stuff, thank you!
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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2014, 12:49:55 AM »

Hi Poltava,

I've downloaded the Wuhan campaign, I was just wondering what Chinese rank corresponds to 1st Lieut.? :)


Well, if you or someone else please could tell me the correct chinese term for the Nationalist airforce during the 30-ies I am more than glad to update the rank list!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2014, 12:58:12 AM »

My very first Spanish Civil War campaign a long, long LONG time ago was based on the Battle of Brunete 1937, used a generic Italian map for Spain and the CR.42 as the players aircraft. It is obviously obsolete by todays standards, so therefore I've made this campaign pack instead:  :)

The Battle of Brunete (6 July – 25 July 1937), fought some 24 kilometers west of Madrid, started as a well-prepared Republican attempt to alleviate the pressure exerted by the Nationalists on the capital and on the Basque enclave up north. Although initially successful, the Nationalist managed to contain the attack, and went over to the attack. Eventually the Republicans were forced to give up most their territorial gains and retreat from Brunete. Also the losses of men and equipment in the battle were much heavier for the Republicans than the Nationalists. Indeed, the Republican army lost so much of its new, indispensable equipment and so many of their best soldiers in the International Brigades that the battle can be seen as an important Nationalist victory.

THE CAMPAIGNS: Included are 3 campaigns that try to portray the aerial fighting during the Battle of Brunete in 1937, all from the Nationalist point of view. These are

•   Two Luftwaffe (i.e. Legion Condor) fighter campaigns, for:
i.   The Messerschmitt Bf 109B2
ii.   The Heinkel He 51C

•   One Spanish Nationalist fighter campaign, for:
i.   The Fiat CR.32 "Chirri"

Although these three campaigns are essentially variations of the same one they all make use of Checkyersix’s GREAT Command & Control Mod with a number of randomizers, which means that sometimes the time of day and the weather, but most of the time also the skill and composition of the opposition will vary, even if you replay the same mission twice. Also adjustments have been made due to the performance of the different aircraft, so that the odds will be reasonable - But the He 51C campaign is still tough...

Included is a skin pack of 36 SCW skins used in this campaign, and made by the following TOP skinners: Archie, Juanmalapuente, Texx, Murdoc, Hayate, Mangas, Tchaika, Stanislao, Agracier, Harpia_Mafra, Donaghy and Alan_Man_O_War. Thanks guys for your super work - without skinners no campaigns!

I have tried here to be true to my new "Reality dogma" of campaign and mission building, i.e. A.) Only use aircraft actually used at that time B.) Only use maps portraying the actual terrain over which the air battles were fought C.) Only use historically correct skins, and D.) Only use historically correct dates and frontlines.

You can download it here: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1929

Thanks for looking!  :)
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2014, 10:49:58 AM »

Hi Poltava,

I've downloaded the Wuhan campaign, I was just wondering what Chinese rank corresponds to 1st Lieut.? :)


Well, if you or someone else please could tell me the correct chinese term for the Nationalist airforce during the 30-ies I am more than glad to update the rank list!  :)

I'll have a look, although I thought you might have an idea since the campaign briefing says to start at this rank  8).
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Re: Campaigns for "IL-2 SCW" here!
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2014, 07:48:50 AM »

On different sites on the web western ranks are used for the Kuomintang airforce 1937-49. Major, captain, lieutenant etc.
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023
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