Calling all Fokker D.VII pilots! ...
Here are some NEW motor and interior skins for your aircraft (
Version 2).
Thank you for the 100+ downloads you guys and gals have made, but please take a look at these new ones...
FREE DOWNLOAD ---> skins are a little different from the previous cockpit and motor skins I posted a few days ago.
The interior now has the proper type of pilot seat as was on this aircraft and I have made some
other correct detail changes and colors tweaks.
Let us face the facts, there is not much more details I can paint on these skins due to the
size limitations (pixel sizes) and the way the model is constructed.
It may never be as real as those ROF-game aircraft, but this is a fun airplane to
fly and above all -
it is FREE!So enjoy it!
Flying is an adventure in any airplane!
Just copy these folders files and paste over (over writing) the old skin files in your DBW-1916 game.
If you wish to keep the old skins, just put a "-" (Minus sign) in front
of the original skin-name and the game will not read or use them.
Inside are 2 skin files which will give your new Fokker D.VII a new motor
with more realistic looking skin-parts and also the interior details for the cockpit.
Enjoy and have a great flight.