Your screenshots look fine, although they look scaled to me.
IIRC your screen is a Full HD one, which means it should render at 1920x1080 pixels.
Your screenshots as posted here are 1280x768 pixels.
Either something went wrong when posting or converting the screenshots to jpg format, or your screen resolution is not set up correctly, or your screen is "HD ready" and not "Full HD".
This is what I'd recommend:
General Setting = Ultra
Screen Resolution = <your screen's hardware resolution, whichever that is>
Full screen = On
Enable VR HMD = Off
Multi GPU Support = Off
VSync = On (Off for G-Sync Users)
SSAO = On (matter of taste, I like the self-shadowed cockpit instruments very much)
HDR = On or Off, whatever you like better, this is really just a matter of taste. IMHO On looks better overall, but has shortcomings on winter maps (overexposure)
Sharpen = Off
Shadows Quality = Low (negligible improvement on higher settings IMHO, but your taste might differ. Big FPS impact for little more visual aid if you ask me)
Mirrors = Medium (use Complex only on really powerful GPU)
Distant landscape detail = x3 (for really powerful GPU: x4)
Landscape filter = Sharp
Grass quality = Ultra
Target FPS = Off (only relevant for VR users)
Dynamic Resolution factor = Full
Antialiasing = 4 (use 2 for weaker GPU and Off for sub-par ones)
Gamma correction = 1 (adjust to your liking, take small steps)
For Nivdia 9xx and 10xx GPU users: In Nvidia Control Panel, open up the "IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad (IL-2.exe)" profile and set the Vertical Sync to "Fast".