I actually found my original work on this mod... I am almost 100% sure there is nothing wrong with the classes themselves... The issue is most likely with the 3D model. I believe that with all the modding that has happened over the years, the 3D models were changed with improvements, and at the same time, changing the exact position of the meshes. Because I am totally an idiot when it comes to modelling, all I did in my old weapon mods was to use the MSH tool to add "hooks" for the weapons... so most of my mods only added a couple of msh files with the modified wings (no change to model whatsoever, just addition of weapon locations) and a .him file to add the new wings (my goal was to leave the original models intact with the exception of the addition of weapon hooks...
For modellers out there. In all Ki-43 mods, they use the same 3x 3D files:
- hier_dzzmod.him (same as hier.him but attaching modified wing with hooks - I think this is where modifications are needed)
- WingLIn_D0_DZZMod.msh (wing w/ new weapon hooks)
- WingRIn_D0_DZZMod.msh (same as above for opposite main wing)
... if you can find what is causing the problem, I'll update my mods.
Thank you.