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Author Topic: True soviet WWII aces story  (Read 11986 times)

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True soviet WWII aces story
« on: November 28, 2013, 05:31:32 AM »

Made a few missions in HSFX 6.17 for true aces story collectors. Find here first mission:http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=121600&postcount=107 - mission & properties files;
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=121620&postcount=110 - brief & install text. All archives in English only (if you know russian - O.K.) :). I'll be grace for your notes.
Sorry about possible mistakes, I'm not native speaker ;D


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True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 07:30:46 AM »

People! If it too bad - call me, please. I have  two more missions yet. But doesn't link while your notes will not appear, sorry ;)
Fuf...Maybe it was well done U all keep silence.
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=122245&postcount=116 - next mission, all archives with EN txt
Sorry, mates, don't know why, Max objects used in missions find here:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,221.0.html


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 12:04:58 PM »

Thank you TooBone I was actually looking for more Russian missions/campaigns!!


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 07:50:48 AM »

Yeap,Snachito, just wait, if I'll have a time for this unreal stuff simulator - coming soon ;)


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2014, 01:29:01 AM »

Hi, all IL2 funs! Something new & a little  update for preview missions  in my Tru soviet aces story:

https://yadi.sk/d/WFlbDWgrqMLhQ - EN version01 ( in fact, a hero of epizode 01 was a leutenant from 248 IAP & brought down  two planes by propellor impact of his Yak-1:  He-111 at  November,28 & Ju-88 at November, 30 ,1941.  Killed by a bomb at the airdrome in  May, 19, 1942)

https://yadi.sk/d/phi_9FYLqMLjn - EN version02

https://yadi.sk/d/yqJ0I3MsqMLnf - EN version03

https://yadi.sk/d/gfzJnHLtqMLp9 - EN version04   

Press key with arrow down ikon on it .


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2014, 04:49:12 PM »

Hi, great job.
I want to ask about the possibility of cooperation.
I like your work and focus of the campaigns.
I'm working on a campaign of Sevastopol now.
I do online campaigns for 2x10-15 players.
The server should be up to 30-32 players max. Plus AI aircraft and hirical background.
If you were interested in cooperation, I will send more info and missions.
Version of the game - Il2_1948_HSFX7.0.2

best regards


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2014, 03:10:37 AM »

Hi, mates !
Something new: http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=131499&postcount=187 Instruction inside as usual. All in 27.4.1943.zip archive.
P.S. Updated.
P.S.S.& DBV 1.71 too. Open txt-file at DBV4.10.1vrs.zip for instruction. Paintschemes take in 27.4.1943.zip. You can take off manualy now.   


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2014, 02:49:13 PM »

nice one


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2015, 06:21:23 AM »

Hi, mates, all free time in reworking Mandrilla SU map at the Battle of Nicopolis, repaint default maps textures, putting history airfields ( those that were found in the available literature and memoirs), villages, 2 city, fortifications, heights as it possible. In the area between the Dnieper River and Milk River in 1943 was all 8 Air Army VVS RKKA & around Dnepropetrovsk - all 17 AA VVS RKKA. So, more than 50 droms exept Germans. There is 50 now & PC started to break.
PS: Black Sea aviation map do this time too ;)


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2015, 02:55:30 AM »

A very small update to old mission about 36 IAP (HSFX6.017). Instruction & all needed inside DNBS41.zip http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=142558&postcount=211


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2015, 12:54:04 AM »

Thank you Toobone for taking the time to post in English here.
Very interested in your work, I am off to ???????? your missions !


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Re: True soviet WWII aces story
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2015, 04:40:36 AM »

Kaptain Kitaev demarshe (Armada.zip) for 4.13: http://forum.aviaskins.com/showpost.php?p=145781&postcount=213
PS: in VPMPack for the first time received outstanding results ingame!
Code: [Select]
[07.06.2020 21:22:22] Mission: single/ru/La-5F/Armada.mis is Playing
09:00:00 Mission BEGIN
09:00:00 40GvIAP000(0) seat occupied by Player at 36741.574 60197.676
09:00:00 40GvIAP000 loaded weapons 'default' fuel 100%
09:01:12 40GvIAP000 in flight at 36198.66 60508.715
TOTAL planes in mission: 260
DE - 200
RU - 60


1 - II_KG27a121 shot down by II_KG27a111 at 41418.48 53645.57

II_KG27a110 shot down by II_KG27a120 at 41370.26 53692.684

II_KG27a111 shot down by II_KG27a121 at 41421.35 53646.516

II_KG27a120 shot down by II_KG27a110 at 41365.93 53702.79

II_KG27a112 shot down by II_KG27a122 at 41387.266 54776.492

III_KG27a320 shot down by II_KG27a323 at 40377.785 64958.098

III_KG27a333 shot down by Stab_KG3_0211 at 66423.26 72141.305

Stab_KG3_0211 shot down by III_KG27a333 at 66415.23 72132.74

II_KG27a022 shot down by II_KG27a021 at 66468.87 72587.625

10 - III_KG27a203 shot down by III_KG27a233 at 63623.47 39067.406

III_KG27a232 shot down by III_KG27a202 at 63627.24 38031.668

III_KG27a111 shot down by III_KG27a312 at 56840.723 5875.61

III_KG27a223 shot down by III_KG27a021 at 55253.723 3406.276

Stab_KG3_0212 shot down by III_KG27a023 at 67609.8 61300.992

III_KG27a222 shot down by III_KG27a321 at 65225.24 46623.312

III_KG27a121 shot down by III_KG27a213 at 62913.33 35329.164

III_KG27a212 shot down by III_KG27a120 at 62140.33 31242.227

II_KG27a303 shot down by II_KG27a231 at 60477.92 24377.592

III_KG27a211 shot down by III_KG27a103 at 59502.69 19432.924

20 - III_KG27a102 shot down by III_KG27a210 at 59274.94 18204.586

III_KG27a211 shot down by III_KG27a103 at 59502.69 19432.924

III_KG27a102 shot down by III_KG27a210 at 59274.94 18204.586

I_KG27a002 shot down by III_KG27a030 at 93198.57 2027.2943

Stab_KG3_0011 shot down by I_KG27a013 at 14898.939 12700.304

I_KG27a000 shot down by II_KG27a220 at 91936.22 7780.9214

26 - II_KG27a321 shot down by II_KG27a320 at 38194.914 77305.11
II_KG27a122 crashed at 41709.973 63588.047

III_KG27a123 crashed at 40112.34 66017.164

I_KG27a003 crashed at 42111.832 55650.016

30 - III_KG27a011 shot down by 88GvIAP022 at 41902.59 78275.34

Stab_KG3_0121 shot down by 88GvIAP022 at 44720.05 78193.29

III_KG27a010 shot down by 88GvIAP021 at 40051.22 78288.3

Stab_KG3_0123 shot down by 88GvIAP011 at 44704.043 77370.1

Stab_KG3_0120 shot down by 88GvIAP012 at 45075.434 77597.61

II_KG27a320 shot down by 88GvIAP013 and 88GvIAP010 at 42786.605 75774.54

II_KG27a013 shot down by 40GvIAP221 at 47412.56 75325.36

Stab_KG3_0122 shot down by 88GvIAP002 at 45713.45 76748.836

II_KG27a322 shot down by 88GvIAP010 at 47858.61 76065.96

II_KG27a323 shot down by 88GvIAP013 at 47073.906 79022.07

40 - II_KG27a313 shot down by 88GvIAP022 at 51418.824 78346.164

III_KG27a012 shot down by 88GvIAP021 at 48143.895 78940.9

II_KG27a011 shot down by 88GvIAP101 at 55031.59 74457.7

II_KG27a003 shot down by 88GvIAP110 at 56643.82 74996.15

II_KG27a001 shot down by 88GvIAP100 at 58452.844 75250.22

Stab_KG3_0112 shot down by 88GvIAP112 at 52936.254 75183.09

II_KG27a223 shot down by 40GvIAP201 and 88GvIAP020 at 61265.363 74130.98

II_KG27a203 shot down by 88GvIAP003 at 63264.164 74542.45

II_KG27a012 shot down by 88GvIAP101 at 58440.734 71224.99

II_KG27a130 shot down by 88GvIAP013 at 61258.25 73556.34

50 - II_KG27a000 shot down by 40GvIAP211 at 62259.496 71747.93

II_KG27a311 shot down by 40GvIAP203 at 61075.113 75638.81

II_KG27a221 shot down by 88GvIAP001 at 63624.547 70531.34

Stab_KG3_0013 shot down by 40GvIAP202 at 61394.906 72655.8

II_KG27a211 shot down by 88GvIAP000 at 59108.535 75636.46

II_KG27a010 shot down by 40GvIAP222 at 63547.76 72042.8

Stab_KG3_0000 shot down by 88GvIAP113 at 59522.895 79582.66

II_KG27a213 shot down by 88GvIAP010 at 67301.14 70050.9

II_KG27a002 shot down by 40GvIAP223 at 65179.465 74136.83

II_KG27a021 crashed at 68835.63 71754.016

60 - II_KG27a312 shot down by 40GvIAP203 at 68478.56 70310.41

II_KG27a222 shot down by 88GvIAP021 at 59924.867 71546.98

II_KG27a131 shot down by 40GvIAP210 at 66096.195 73869.08

II_KG27a310 shot down by 40GvIAP200 at 69122.336 73005.39

Stab_KG3_0101 shot down by 88GvIAP103 at 67227.78 69258.04

II_KG27a200 shot down by 40GvIAP222 at 50121.79 63147.516

II_KG27a302 shot down by 40GvIAP202 at 69437.38 67797.54

II_KG27a233 shot down by 40GvIAP201 at 67087.7 63982.086

II_KG27a032 shot down by 88GvIAP102 at 67849.32 69043.94

70 - II_KG27a133 shot down by 40GvIAP213 at 63185.63 67861.38

III_KG27a113 shot down by 40GvIAP202 at 68769.445 61231.957

III_KG27a023 crashed at 67174.125 60043.477

II_KG27a132 shot down by 40GvIAP212 at 67886.8 61524.656

III_KG27a321 crashed at 65381.15 46784.688

Stab_KG3_0002 shot down by 40GvIAP212 at 66219.93 62055.65

II_KG27a033 landed at 58208.17 60956.586 & captured

Stab_KG3_0001 shot down by 40GvIAP212 at 64321.18 56255.605

 III_KG27a231 shot down by 88GvIAP022 at 65108.83 46089.32

III_KG27a233 crashed at 63012.125 37831.13

80 - II_KG27a033 shot down by 88GvIAP000 at 58208.17 60956.586

III_KG27a213 crashed at 63034.004 34419.04

III_KG27a120 crashed at 61964.0 31153.219

II_KG27a031 landed at 61039.348 41873.664 & captured

II_KG27a031 shot down by 88GvIAP112 at 61039.348 41873.664

II_KG27a301 shot down by 40GvIAP201 at 59958.176 23815.666

II_KG27a230 crashed at 60511.598 24523.45

III_KG27a210 crashed at 59274.555 18200.926

III_KG27a103 crashed at 59396.977 18493.418

II_KG27a201 shot down by 40GvIAP002 and 40GvIAP000 at 57621.01 38924.7

90 - II_KG27a202 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 56866.12 36337.26

III_KG27a221 crashed at 54815.883 2286.4001

II_KG27a023 shot down by 88GvIAP010 at 62769.906 31497.21

III_KG27a202 crashed at 36253.996 10585.398

III_KG27a020 crashed at 53766.863 4548.0537

II_KG27a231 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 57265.453 120.30142

III_KG27a030 crashed at 93327.48 2727.4053

I_KG27a013 crashed at 14828.173 14430.038

III_KG27a332 shot down by 28_Static at 66897.08 70990.55

II_KG27a113 shot down by 20_Static at 36473.535 60457.168

100 - II_KG27a013 shot down by 14_Static at 39878.984 71635.47

100 НЕ-111 (26-in-aircrashes--17-after-damaged--3-by-AAA--54-by-LA-5)

I_JG5_2130 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 45235.664 66748.1

I_JG5_2231 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 39792.18 55753.453

I_JG5_2121 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 36331.67 57084.406

I_JG5_2331 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 34807.367 53428.64

I_JG5_2230 shot down by 40GvIAP020 at 37165.066 56170.793

I_JG5_2201 shot down by 40GvIAP120 at 45277.938 55433.96

I_JG5_2330 shot down by 40GvIAP003 at 34012.23 55763.21

I_JG5_2110 shot down by 40GvIAP000 at 37503.72 55500.22

I_JG5_2111 shot down by 40GvIAP020 at 37774.754 47005.68

10 - I_JG5_2200 shot down by 40GvIAP111 at 35178.34 61758.03

I_JG5_2320 shot down by 40GvIAP002 at 42990.227 52106.48

I_JG5_2321 shot down by 40GvIAP032 at 42383.82 52281.223

I_JG5_2310 shot down by 40GvIAP002 at 43773.98 62436.203

I_JG5_2221 shot down by 40GvIAP112 at 41604.645 67394.9

I_JG5_2311 shot down by 40GvIAP032 at 43956.51 63822.71

I_JG5_2131 shot down by 40GvIAP030 at 43088.23 66701.03

I_JG5_2120 shot down by 0_Static at 37886.258 55519.258

I_JG5_2101 shot down by 29_Static at 50506.453 58665.535

I_JG5_2100 shot down by 71_Static at 53070.066 16737.719

20 - I_JG5_2100 landed at 53070.066 16737.719 & captured

20 Bf-109G-2-4-(3-by-AAA-17-by-LA-5)
120 from 200


1- 40GvIAP001 crashed at 44018.13 54159.574

2- 40GvIAP103 shot down by I_JG5_2100 at 44704.17 60428.64

3- 40GvIAP102 shot down by I_JG5_2310 at 49571.13 58670.625

4- 40GvIAP100 shot down by I_JG5_2100 at 45343.586 58116.36

5- 88GvIAP101 crashed at 59670.004 55804.656

6- 40GvIAP130 shot down by I_JG5_2320 at 49698.387 59101.926

7- 40GvIAP101 shot down by I_JG5_2330 at 38127.855 63593.207

8- 40GvIAP131 shot down by I_JG5_2310 at 52474.125 60494.562

9- 40GvIAP222 crashed at 62239.996 55792.8

10- 88GvIAP022 shot down by Stab_KG3_0213 at 52561.098 80601.16

11- 40GvIAP003 shot down by I_JG5_2331 at 34031.35 55149.297

12- 40GvIAP132 shot down by I_JG5_2221 at 47237.246 54472.465

13-  40GvIAP133 crashed at 45097.516 56312.547

14- 40GvIAP121 shot down by I_JG5_2310 at 47241.492 55531.363

15- 40GvIAP122 shot down by I_JG5_2220 at 45071.89 55414.45

16- 40GvIAP221 crashed at 45445.938 77006.555

17- 40GvIAP123 crashed at 44138.664 54339.906

18- 40GvIAP120 shot down by I_JG5_2310 at 44088.125 62727.508

19- 40GvIAP100(0) successfully bailed out at 45729.65 57919.387

19 LA-5-F-FN (7-after-damaged---11-by-Bf-109G---1-by-НЕ-111)

19 from 60

40GvIAP-bots lost 17 planes & shot down 17 Bf-109G + 22 НЕ-111 properly

88GvIAP-bots lost 2 planes only & shot down 30 НЕ-111 properly

10:11:33 Mission END
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