i think he is asking about stationary aircraft, looking at this some more...
they definitely don't have any damage model, and all just have the same damage effect.
if this is the request, well, again, who is going to go and do new damage models for every single static plane? certainly not me, lol..
here's the thing - IL-2 always has been a game of work-arounds.
by this, i mean, there is often another way to get the same result you want.
with the advent of the 4.12.2 patch, it is now possible to park 'live' aircraft on your bases, and these can be shot to pieces with great effect.
all it takes is a bit of setting up in FMB.
in this sort of case, i highly doubt any modder will tackle such a huge job, especially as it can be 'worked around'
i've set up such missions with a mix of static and parked 'live' aircraft, then shot up the airfield with great results