You may be looking for the B-25J-22 (although the B-25D variants also have a good number of forward-firing in a solid nose).
People more familiar about the plane lists in different mod packs /sites may be able to provide better help but these are some areas to look at:
1) DBW 1.71 Mod Pack, obviously, or one of the other big integrated mod packs, but you may be using Modact by choice so don't know whether you want to install a big pack
2) Cut-out from UI here, but
from the label it is for 4.09 so likely not work with 4.10.1 :
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1514.0.html3) the Nullwar plane set here on this thread - but not sure whether they're using USSR armaments?
4) US Navy and Marine Corp. version - PBJ - here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,6234.0.html. May be the PBJ-1J here works for you?
Hope this helps somewhat ...