New change:!Agraciers!%2BSidi%2BIfni%2Bmap%2C%2Bmodded%2Bnewest%2Bversion%2B28.1.rarOptions folder seperate sucks atm..
Will add new options to first post link also:
First, I played with the map_T.tga file to add a little less repetition at high alt.
This is included as option now, to test, take the map_T.tga from the optional folder and REPLACE INTO the map folder.
And, I added a 2nd texture set as alternative:
This one is both a bit darker and more reddish, vivid.
First, IMO my textures may look sub optimal for very bright monitors, so I made these. Secondly, they have the benefit to be more close to the real landscape, check videos in first post.
The shots are
without the changed tex colour, just for the high alt impression.
First screen unedited, in the other screens I guestimated how what I see on my monitor may look for a very bright monitor
That's also (varying monitors) why I supported the download with two different landlight.mat files.