my laptop, although i lended it to friend recently (i using a tad outdated crap now so i have no way to test at teh moment, but from a few tests i made with the effects on my huge laptop
i experience no lag/fps drop/dissapearing objects at all except for like 3 situations:
>>spamming teh AB1000 bombs will lag like hell
>>placing about 30 20mm flak cannons will cause slight lag, although not as bad as ab1000s
>>wirbelwinds, just 3 or 4 will cause significant lag due to the overkill amount of fire in teh air at once
(i once wanted to test this wth a trail one and could easiy place like 20 untill i could see lagging issues)
overall in any normal situation ther is next to no lag at all (but i have disabled smoke on most mgs and therefore no plane capable of dishing out massive amounts o tracers has smoke)
still i choose not to use it as my gamestyle revolves about massive and i mean massive custom missions (100+ planes and like 200 or so ground units)
overall i reccomend it if you plane online play or small missions (online ther is rearely more then 1 wirbelwing or a few flaks at once), but more then 2 wirbelwings and a few 190s wth 6 20mm could be issue dependin on pc
anyways my specs are 9800m gts 1gb vidmem gpu, 2.2ghz dual core (il2 can only handle 1 though), 4 gig ram, vista (piece a shit if ya ask me), i forget actual model of it, gateway p-something, 1300, bucks so half decent, designed for games
i get decent preformance wth it, even played crisis on decent settings before (as a test)
anyway considering how many other effects i have custom and spawning like 2k particles sometimes it not bad for such a ol game