Beta-Hotfix release on 16th/August/2016.
Bomb select bugfix of 30th/July/2016 version. It remained ....

1st install full package of 04th/May/2016 version of 1st page, after it, overwriting today's Hotfix.
(No need 21th/July/2016 or 30th/July/2016 version)
Beta is not so Reliable, not enough tested. Take your own risk to install.
When today's version will be enough tested and seem no new bugs, I'll make a new full package and move it to the 1st page.
For standard version
tp:// JapanCat's Merge Effect version
tp:// features:
- Importing Stock 4.13.2m's Bomb Release Mode function.
- New "Select Bomb class" function. It needs aircraft side special Java codes.
-- F-105 patch for enabling "Select Bomb class" will be released soon.
- Rocket release mode is separated from Bomb Release Mode.
- "Dump Fuel" function enables total 3x dump points (visual effect points) on the aircraft.
Today's hotfix replaces i18n/ and (with their multi language files).
When you've touch those files already, please merge 2 into 1 with your hands.
F-105 patch is released:,49077.msg567451.html#msg567451