Oh, yes. I've got 2 installs of hsfx7, one still in 4.01, "offline dedicated with some more mods", and one 4.02 "online dedicated no more mods". Before installing the map, I checked my 4.02 but didn't look very carefully. Rechecking now, I see the map.
Anyway, just flew two missions, usaaf P47, january 43. First mission was a Bostons escort near St Lo. Almost over the target, we spotted 2 ennemy contacts. Climbing to the foes, I was lightly hitted by some light weapons. Checking everything and anything, I saw in my 5 o clock a Bf109 in a very ending vertical climb. I took some distance, then turned back and attacked him. When about to fire... was badly hit by some huge canon fire. I guess a FW. My hud full of holes and wounded, right wing damaged (with a smole part missing at the end), I dived to North, crossing the french Channel shore around 1500 ft high. Fortunately, the ennemy lost me, so I began the looooong way home. After a few time, my view was darker and darker. And I was gently begining to be unable to fly my plane strait on. Moreover, the night was coming. But finaly, english coast was in my blooded sigh. I jumped from my plane, that crashed into a forest. Me, landed in a farm garden. And was sent to hospital untill september, 1943.
Second mission was better, as I shoted down one FW and something like a Me 2 or 410.
Very good fun.