Well as always with requests - if you ask for something, you should provide some references. In this case, it would be good to show some pictures of the areas you think are lacking in detail, so that someone with skill in modeling doesn't need to scour the internet for that information.
PA_Jeronimo might be interested in looking at possible upgrade of the B-239 as part of his
project to improve engines, cowlings and propellers.
The changes in the nose area should probably include following:
-better rounding
-tighter fit between engine cowling and the main fuselage (in the images, it fits pretty flush with the fuselage)
-slightly different position and size of exhausts
-more detailed machine gun ports and carburettor air intake on the top of the engine cowling
-correct propeller spinner (slightly smaller, round, and more pointy)
-correct propeller (blades, hub, and drive shaft)
-more detailed engine (Wright R-1820-G5)
Other possible issues worth addressing:
-wing profile (very flat upside of the wing in current model; I don't know the exact wing profile, but the shape of the aerofoil's upper surface should be visible here - these are F2A-2 / B-339 model, but they used the same wing)
-wing root / fuselage joint (more detail in conjunction with improved wing profile)
-wing machine gun bulges (just need a bit more detail)
-presence of gunsight in the cockpit for the external model
You can see a lot of details in this video:
The rest of the aircraft - overall shape of fuselage, cockpit canopy, etc -is more or less right. Granted it could always be "rounder" and smoother, but changing the shape significantly like that would basically require re-doing the whole aircraft's texture mapping and getting that to match with the original skin mapping would be a challenge to say the least.