I tried IL-2, Clod and Battlefield 2 Mod FH2 to compare the Stuka dive sound.
Well, the FH2 version get's best audible feauture, but it must be the old FH-1(BF-42 MOD) Soundfile.
Ingame, outside the Cockpit, i.e. in a trench it is awesome.
Playing as Brits I hate these Stukas, as they are very effective.
Fh-2 Sound is a simple Stuka dive file, now what the game does it adds
an increasing and decreasing sound effect on all (dive-like aircraft) files,
and I think that is the key to realistic Stuka sounds.
BF2 Sounds are far more complex and the result a simple mix from
ambience and material files. BF2 also handles increasing/decreasing of sounds
perfectly. Birds, Distant Battle, rifle loading, ambience.
We can have the best audible file in our IL-2, but this file system
is contrary to the dive sound as it is permanent and also bound to
an engine type, but also there's a secondary soundfile interferring.
Gettting a better Soundfile in IL-2 doesn't help, as here this secondary soundfile
next to it.
The result is nothing close, but the core of a real Stuka Sound,
like put a weirdo filter on it, but missing the first and last parts, that make it up.
What could work is make it independent from the engine,
eliminate or investigate this secondary soundfile source (begins when lowering
brake, is permanent across the dive unless brakes are back),
what's it all about that produces this electronic sound, but we can't get better?
apply surplus effects (however you call that) to get sth. increase/decrease
and a few other sound fx, roughness etc.
Start dive break sound lowering
slowly increasing Stuka siren
Full Stuka Siren
fast decrease Stuka siren
closing divebreak sound
The core full Stuka sound should be divebreak distortion/free,
the rest can be weavered together, to melt it to sth. audible.
I tried the omnious FH-2 file that get's me cool Stuka dive sounds,
but applied to IL-2 it is worser than the original audio file.
Didn't found proper pure Stuka Sound from FH-2, all videos are in the Pit
or with terrible music, or even lacking the Stuka Dive Sound Mod from FH-1.
If we could get sth. like this, that would be the killer, as you can think,
we have better Cockpit sounds than FH-2.
Best I have...
This is the Forgotten Hope 0.7 Stuka Dive Sound Mod File
Credits: DICE/Forgotten Hope Team/Toddel & K98...https://www.mediafire.com/download/yuv1alxgycogbta/stukadive.wavThe ingame sound is perfect, I'm no audio expert to recall what changes are needed
to bring this file to such bloom.
But for those interested I share here.