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Author Topic: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?  (Read 6448 times)

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How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:18:19 PM »

Hey guys, I have a friend who is new to IL-2 and we'd like to play coop so I can show him some things. How would we do this? We both have laptops and use wifi. Could we connect our laptops over wifi or lan? How would I create a private server on hyperlobby for us? I usually play offline, but I'd love to play coop with friends? What is the easiest way to do this?

Typhoon Ib

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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 10:15:14 PM »

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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 02:16:04 AM »

No need for hyperlobby if you just want to fly with your friend or friends. The game itself has the necessary features.

If you are both connected on a LAN it is much easier and faster. One of you will need to be the host and create a session. Go to Multiplay-Create New Server. For just the two of you to fly around I would suggest to select game type as dogfight. After you hit create you can select the game map to use from the available online type ones and also set up the difficulty options. On the next step you will need to select a home base and plane type, loadout etc. You then hit fly.

Your friend will need to select Multilpay-Join Server. On the next screen there is a button to search for LAN servers. By clicking that he will see the host's session on the table, select it and hit Join. The rest of the steps are the same. You can either fly around and do some training or even dogfight each other. No enemies will be around.

If the people joining the server are not connected to a LAN but want to join over the internet they need to know your external IP address and type it on the joining screen, followed by :21000, which is the port number used by Il-2 by default. This port will need to be forwarded in your router and also the il2fb.exe exempted from the windows firewall.

You can go further and create your own missions with AI added and fly them with your friends on line. We do this all the time with our group having lots of fun. Let me know if you need more assistance setting this up.


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2014, 10:59:28 AM »

Cool stuff Dimus! We will try to connect via LAN and then enter IL-2. Last time we did what you said to do in Multiplay, but we weren't connected over a LAN.


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2014, 02:37:44 PM »

If you have an internet connection, that's pretty much all you need.
Our group plays coop every week using just the IL2 and the internet.
As stated, one of you has to host and creates the server.  That person passes their IP number to the rest of the group.
The rest of the group click on "join server" and type in the IP number followed byt the :21000 as Dimus indicated (e.g.   xx.xxx.xx.xx:21000)
They click on the "Join" button and then you should be in the mission screen and you'll be prompted to select an aircraft prior to your briefing (assuming you have a mission ready).

Good luck.


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 04:38:32 PM »

How would I find my ip address/enter it to connect?


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 04:56:23 PM »

search  "Find My IP" on the net as there are many you may use.


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 02:31:11 AM »

If you're hosting over the internet and not LAN, it is very important to do the port forwarding stuff at your router, otherwise noone will be able to join you. The way to do that will depend on the type/model of router. There is lots of info on this site covering virtually all router types:



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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2014, 05:25:32 PM »


Simply type 'Find my IP' in the URL window at the top of your web browser (without the quotes) and you should see a bunch of responses but your IP should be at the top of the page.
The number will look similar to this format;  123.45.678.90 or 12.345.67.890  The numbers will vary but the format is the same.
As Dimus mentioned some but not all routers require port forwarding.  It's essentially unlocking your router so that you can host.  If you are not hosting or will never host then you don't have to worry about that part.

I hope the following helps.  I know what it's like to be the noob and have all these questions about getting online etc, so hopefully this will spell it out and make things easy.
So to sum up......
1. Ensure each of your team (i.e. all the human players) have the same version of the game (if you don't it can cause problems).  If you have a modded game, no probs, as long as everybody else has the exact same modded version of the game.
2. If you are hosting, you need to know your IP so you can pass it to your fellow players.  They should NOT join the game until you tell them.
3. As host you start your game, go into Multiplayer and "Create a server" (you don't need to enter an IP at your end).  You'll be prompted to name your session (call it whatever you want), select Dogfight (human vs human), cooperative (human vs AI) or campaign (same as coop but with a scripted series of missions forming a campaign).  Select the number of human players (not necessary to be exact as long as the number is equal to or greater than the number of human players).  Any aircraft not selected automatically are controlled by the computer.
4. After this you (the host) will see a small window "Mission Type" and a larger window with a list of "Missions".  Think of the Mission Type as a list of books and the Missions are the Chapters in each book.  You'll see what I mean.
5. Select a mission and click on "Load".  You will see a pop-up with Standby and your mission info loading.  Once it has loaded let your team know and then they can "join" (see the Join instructions below).
6. You will then be in the Mission Briefing screen with a map and an empty briefing window which will say "Choose a plane then check back here for your briefing".
7. Click on the "Aircraft" button and you will be in the aircraft/arming screen and will see a list of aircraft to choose and if all goes well you should also see your name, and your other players name at the bottom.  Simply click under the Player column next to the aircraft you want and your name should jump up to that location.
8. Now click on the "Brief" button to go back to the Briefing screen and you will now see the details of the upcoming mission, your flight plan and the frontlines.
9. Once you have absorbed the mission info you have two choices;
            a.  Click on Aircraft and then Arming button to change your weapons loadout, your pilot figure (you can add your face to a pilot), your aircraft skin, how much fuel, which airforce etc.
                 Once   done click on "Apply", then click on "Fly", OR
            b.  Click on "Fly"
10. You will then be in the "ready room" or ready screen.  You will see your teammates' names come up as they finish selecting their own aircraft, loadout etc.
11.  Once all your team shows up on this screen then click on "Fly".  Your mission will load and start and you will find yourself in the cockpit. Start engines and off you go.

For your teammates who are NOT hosting but joining.......
1. Start the game and select Multiplay from the main menu.
2. Select "Join Server"
3. Enter the host's IP number (if there's one already there you can type over/delete it )  Ensure the dots are in the right spot and the :21000 is on the end
4. Click on "Join" (only when the Host tells you to) then you will see "Connecting to server".  This may take a minute or two.  If successful you will see an "OK" button.  Click on that and the mission will load.
5. Go to Step number 6 above and follow from there to finish up (they will not see the "Fly" button in the ready screen, that's just for the host as he controls when the mission starts).

I hope this helps.

Possible errors to look out for:
1.  If noone can join the host and players are "timing out" then it is probably the port forwarding issue that Dimus has indicated.
2.  If some join and others can't, check that they have entered the IP number correctly, that's usually the problem.
3.  If you are not comfortable with the port forwarding thing, before resorting to that have each human member of your team try to host and see if the rest can join.
4.  Everybody has joined but one or more can't get the mission to load or get weird error messages.  Ensure everyone has the EXACT same version of the game.  If everybody has the stock game but someone has a modified game there will be problems.  Conversely if everyone has the same modded game but one person has a stock game....same problem.

Finally.....if you don't have some form of communications such as TEAMSPEAK (it's free) then coordinating this becomes quite a chore.

Good Luck.



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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2014, 05:35:13 PM »

Just a comment on the comms: My buddy and I - there are only two of us at the moment - use Skype. We've found it's much less bother than using a mike key or vox (voice activation) where you either forget to key the mike or the vox loses a syllable or two before activating. In other words, Skype is like a phone line where you can both speak at the same time and hear each other at the same time.

The down side: I think you can only have ten active lines at once on the free version. Oh, and of course, don't use the video link as it really uses bandwidth (experience talking here!).



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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2014, 05:42:09 PM »

Teamspeak is free and is designed for gaming type of comms.  There are even some plugins (I haven't tried) that make it sound more like a radio.
It also has the option of Voice Activation (i.e. no buttons, just speak) or you can set a button for your mike.
Just a suggestion. 
Having said that, if Skype works for you go with it.  You'll need TS though if you want to get into Hyperlobby type scenarios.


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2014, 06:43:08 PM »

 I would say team speak 3 is the only way to go.
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