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Author Topic: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?  (Read 6301 times)

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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2014, 07:18:13 PM »

No need for hyperlobby if you just want to fly with your friend or friends. The game itself has the necessary features.

If you are both connected on a LAN it is much easier and faster. One of you will need to be the host and create a session. Go to Multiplay-Create New Server. For just the two of you to fly around I would suggest to select game type as dogfight. After you hit create you can select the game map to use from the available online type ones and also set up the difficulty options. On the next step you will need to select a home base and plane type, loadout etc. You then hit fly.

Your friend will need to select Multilpay-Join Server. On the next screen there is a button to search for LAN servers. By clicking that he will see the host's session on the table, select it and hit Join. The rest of the steps are the same. You can either fly around and do some training or even dogfight each other. No enemies will be around.

If the people joining the server are not connected to a LAN but want to join over the internet they need to know your external IP address and type it on the joining screen, followed by :21000, which is the port number used by Il-2 by default. This port will need to be forwarded in your router and also the il2fb.exe exempted from the windows firewall.

You can go further and create your own missions with AI added and fly them with your friends on line. We do this all the time with our group having lots of fun. Let me know if you need more assistance setting this up.

Cool stuff Dimus! We will try to connect via LAN and then enter IL-2. Last time we did what you said to do in Multiplay, but we weren't connected over a LAN.

agreed, this is the primary way that I have always played (I have three brothers who fly with me and we are always a single flight) ..and it works wonderfully (provided both laptops are reasonably capable of running IL-2 well). If you are open for it I will offer some advice as this I have played under this setup a lot, and I have had to deal with most problems that will arise...

in game voice chat:

for LAN games, Mumble is tiny, free, easy to use, and works fine for the application at hand...

finding IP:

open command prompt, type "ipconfig" and hit enter,
scroll UP till you see "IPv4: and a number like ---.---.-.- where - is a digit.
This is the server address your friend will search for.


avoid massively populated and gorgeous maps, at least until you see how well your friends PC can handle the load. Both pc's WILL perform differently under the LAN setup than they will alone.... while these epic maps are the most beautiful and immersive, after you add several flights of various AI types, and realistic weather.... leading an escort flight of 109D/E against the RAF over London on the Channel Map in early morning heavy fog, with a long chain of Heinkel bombers behind you is a bad idea....


this one is purely cosmetic... but is a real immersion killer. On stock aircraft and certain WW2 mod aircraft this is not a problem, but if flying JETWAR aircraft, on any ModAct setup, AVOID opening your canopy while your friend is in game... it will close again in your view, but not from his... which just looks ridiculous.  ;D I like to open my canopy to taxi, then close for takeoff, but if I do he will see me flying around with my canopy... not cool, and easily avoided.

Also, tomoose is right as well. about those joining issues... especially the "same exact game version"... Even if they are stock games, a 4.12.1 will not join a 4.12.2, and a 4.12.2 STOCK will not join a 4.12.2 with ModAct... You get a server type incompatibility message of some sort.. If you are running different mods you CAN play together, but be warned, this will cause problems, and may even affect some people's ability to join your missions. You have to make sure EVERYONE joining has every object, aircraft, etc. that you are using in a mission. For my brothers, If large game type changes were to be made, I would do a GROUND UP build of a fresh game, patch to whichever version in question, add any mods I needed and or they were wanting to focus on(say if were building a Vietnam focuses game) and then send the #SAS folder to them via LAN to ensure the game is identical. On a side note, if using "jsgmemods" folder effects etc., (I use the big clouds) always set your mods to the same as the SLOWEST players PC... (on or off) to ensure everyone has the same tactical situation... 


And have fun!
cogito, ergo sum armatus


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Re: How would I play Coop with and without hyperlobby?
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2014, 07:48:41 PM »

Awesome! Thanks guys!
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