It looks very good so far, and it will be very useful, so thank you very much, for taking the time to deal with it in such a good way.
Regarding the wished features you mentioned in an earlier post, I think it would be very useful, if possible, to have some menu options to control visibility of nodes, I mean, something like "hide/unhide selected", "hide/unhide unselected", "hide/unhide all".
Also, again, if possible, would be very useful to have the hability to check/uncheck visibility of type of nodes, I mean, like, D0_meshes, D1_meshes, D2_meshes, CAPS, shadow_meshes, clips and hooks, collision boxes... (definitions for collisions are also in mesh file, they are slighty different from meshes, often compound of various
parts and subnodes, with neigbour lists for vertices and faces, more details can be given if needed).
Another point of interest, would be the possibility of loading the textures for damaged meshes and caps, maybe hard to do, as they are layered, often multilayered and they combine alpha layer from tgb with tga's from several texture files.
In any case don't let you be bothered by this sugestions, just throwing some thoughs in the mix, I'll be happy anytime with it as it is now, so thanks again for your good work.