Just a few notes from my side as I'm using Visual Studio @work every day.
This project is written using C# 2010 Express, which is basically fine but in contrast to "professional" or better editions of Visual Studio, the Express Editions are not able to include all dependencies into the deployable build, that's why we have to deal with XNA 4 in the GAC and the like.
ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, needed or not, can easily be obtained at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/sharpdevelop/files/SharpZipLib/0.86/SharpZipLib_0860_Bin.zip/downloadfor those who want to build the project on their own.
There's one basic mistake I found in the code so far, that's the lines 159/160 in "ContentBuilder.cs" which link the Xna GS libs from a statically defined URL, but at that given location there will be no files unless the user installed the full XNA 4 GS setup, which in turn requires the install of C# / Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition.
All of this isn't required, lines 159/160 can simply be commented:
// projectRootElement.AddImport("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Microsoft\\XNA Game Studio\\" +
// "v4.0\\Microsoft.Xna.GameStudio.ContentPipeline.targets");
The user has to install the XNA 4 Redistributable Package in this case, available at:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=20914The application will pick the right XNA target automatically then.
Other than that I've been able to run the app on Windows 7 after this modification, however I wasn't able to load any aircraft yet since the app requires all textures to be located in one single folder and I simply don't have any aircraft at hands that doesn't load a quadrozillion additional textures from a lot of folders elsewhere.
Best regards - Mike