How many times have you loaded up a modded il2 and attempt to run a quick mission, only to experience game freeze and a need to control/alt/delete to use task manager to kill il2?
For me it happens all the time as I switch between various flavors of il2 all under one game install. HSFX 7+, SAS modact, DBW, DBW 1916... if you fly a quick mission in one flavor and load up a different flavor and try another quick, the game freeze is a frequent issue. Well, no more...!
The core issue is the .last.quick file. This is the default quick mission file. It lives on when starting a different flavor, and if the flavor does not contain planes loaded in the quick, then freeze.
Well, here is the content for a simple windows bat file to solve the problem. Simply create a shortcut to this bat and no more quick mission freezes while toggling flavors.
del "D:\Software Data\My Games\IL2 - 1946\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Quicks\.last.quick"
start /d "D:\Software Data\My Games\IL2 - 1946\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\" IL-2_Selector.exe
Steps to create:
1) open notepad and save file in your root il2 game folder as "deleteQuick.bat" (be sure to not save as .txt file but save as .bat)
2) copy contents in code block above and paste into the new bat file
3) save
4) create shortcut to bat file
5) paste shortcut on your desktop or quick launch bar (where ever you normally launch game from)
The location of your game root folder will likely vary from the code above. Be sure to use your correct game root. I also set this bat to launch the SAS Selector following deletion of the last.quick. Assumption here is that all use the SAS Selector to manage load of various IL2 flavors.
All in all, this is quite simple to use and you can even set up the shortcut to use the SAS Selector icon by simply setting the custom icon by navigating to the location of the sas selector.
Gone with the last.quick!