Dear Monty,
I try since a long time to send you a personal message but unfortunately your reception box is full.
So I address myself to you here. However be yourself sure that it is without any idea of polemic.
I have just updated your version of the game "4.12 TFM" because I was screeching halt at: 4.12 TFM 27.
Indeed, with my current work on the maps "Can_Channel 40 and 45" as well as on the map
"Bay of Biscay" I had not had time to go beyond.
I am now at the latest version of your game and I really appreciate what you do.
But I notice that by incorporating my mod "Can_Channel_revisited" you have failed to include the mod:
"AIRFIELDS_CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!" that was associated with it.
I repeat it again: It is absolutely necessary !!!
And if you have read the last personal message illustrated with examples in pictures
that I have sent you, you will easily understand why.
Otherwise my work would have no sense and would be completely denatured !
Without this mod here is how look the airfields:
This is absolutely inadmissible for the player and especially for myself, as you will agree !
So I ask you kindly to integrate the mod "AIRFIELDS_CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!" in your version of the game.
I hope you kept this first version, which was granted with the first WIP version of my mod
"Can_Channel_40_41_revisited" ???
(I do not have this first version because since my work has evolved and is now over ...)
In the opposite case, it should therefore include in your game these three mods to replace the first:!!!!!!!!!!!!AIRFIELDS_CAN_17-11-2014.7z, so that the player could benefit from a "clean", "finished" set of maps and that my original work
should not be distorted.
Links for SAS topics and pictures of the real work :,43135.0.html,43659.0.html I know, your assembly work is not easy. It demands a lot of time and concentration.
So in that sense, please accept, Monty, the expression of my best regards.