After a long break from IL-2 I came back to see what new wonders had been added to TFM, and I see it's quite a lot. But my install got buggered up while trying to use the Coastal Command and the Flightline pack which causes the game to CTD at 60%. I haven't tried any of the other packs beyond those. Any suggestions and/or fixes that I might of missed?
Its a long thread to re-read I agree - However I can re-state from just a few posts ago two points:
1)-I have very recently direct installed the entire thing from scratch, and I tripped up a few times and doubted my own sanity/confidence etc. 60% CTD is you missing something. - Vanilla #SAS start (provided on Page-1)/AI Flyables/out of sequence/or a bad unRAR. I had a few false starts too but it does all get there.
2)-Forget it anyway. If you don't know what SFS file packing is do a bit of a search and look inside your Il2 Root Directory. Because the entire install is about to get REALLY QUICK AND EASY!
I have mentioned this a few times now because its close to release and there will be a new set of MUCH SMALLER downloads. I don't want people to spend a long time downloading TFM sets over the holidays and then turn around and tell them a short time later that its obselete! It looks that way though, TFM-412 in its present form is going to be obselete...