So what is it? how long will this take? why not let us know? NOT cancelled means what?
All concerned,
Here are a few answers:
* CFM is NOT cancelled means what? --> It means that the work in CFM did not go to waste and is being actively used for something better.
* This is why we cancelled CFM. --> Not "we", Monty is the project owner and he cancelled it, because he did not feel it was ready to be released. During the process of creating CFM, Monty and his principal project builders were throwing around other concepts on how to make IL-2 better, more modern, more all encompassing. They did a bit more than that, they started this new effort in parallel and prior to the cancelled release of CFM. In the end Monty and his closest team members decided that they wanted to concentrate their efforts on the more advanced concept.
* So what is it? --> I cannot tell you until Monty gives me the go ahead to release the information. It is based on the work of TFM and CFM, but it is not TFM or CFM, it has evolved into something better. I have been testing parts of it, and am also providing some content for it. Like I said, the main point that I hope everyone can be happy about is that yes, there is an active project, it is happening as we speak, and there is even documentation already in production.
* How long will this take? --> When I have an estimate, I, or someone from the team (you know, with higher authority blessing and all), will tell the community.
* Why not let us know? --> The concept for Monty's upcoming release is somewhat ready, but it is not absolutely locked. Think of it as the next generation mod super pack (and no that is not its name...). Let us let Monty and his principal team members concentrate on getting the release version ready. As I am allowed I'll let the community know.
It comes down to this. Monty felt that CFM was not good enough to release to the community. He chose to cancel it because if he released CFM as it was, he would have to spend time in support and troubleshooting that release (adding patches etc) instead of concentrating on working on the new concept which was being designed to be as trouble-free as possible for a mod pack. These are reasons he told me (well, wrote me) himself, and I am the one passing this on to the community because he specifically asked me to help on a sort of PR function.
I hope this helps. I know you want the specifics, but I can't pass that on right now. When I can, I will.