To all TFMer's
I need help over in "Fun for all" on Hyper Lobby. I'm getting my ass kicked:))
Ha, Thats funny:) I have a feeling some of that may be going on:)))) There's an F4U-C out there that can out turn a zero. HMMMMM. but I will say it feels very good when I shoot it down if I can. I've figured out a few of the basic moves that a real aircraft could never do, but I don't fly like that and never will. I will admit though that as long as you don't modify the flight model of the airplane and only take advantage of the simulations limitations, you are pretty much doing what any fighter pilot would do anyway. Know your plane better than the other guy, or in this case, the simulation. For example: When you use elevator TRIM in a high speed turn it gives you two advantages. 1. airplane is still controllable during a high G black out using trim. 2. As long as you do not use the normal elevator controls the airplane will not go into a spin. I don't have a problem with stuff like that, it's just knowing your sim. I don't like it because it's not real but than again ("I was inverted") that's the idea right? Take advantage of what the other pilot doesn't know.
I know this isn't the topic for this thread, but this seems to be a very good group and I want to share one other thing, especially for the old timers like me.
When trying to learn the sim and how each aircraft flies, use these settings in QMB (Quick Mission Builder)
Select the hardest settings and than go back and change a few things.
1. Vulnerability to OFF-- This lets you get the crap shot out of you, but it also lets you keep flying and learning without haveing to refly all the time. Yes, for the diehards its tough to select this setting, but look at it as a learning tool.
2. Unlimted Ammo to ON-- Since your invincilbe now, you don't want to run out of ammo while your practicing.
3. cockpit always ON-- Most online sims use this setting. It's extremely tougher than the no cockpit view but it's an authentic setting and you should get used to the look and learn how to lead a plane using this view.
4. Start out with a plane your comfortable in and get used to its characteristics. This way when you do the next instruction you'll see what the changes affect.
5. experiment alot with the joystick settings, the better you get at the higher settings the better on line pilot you will be. This is also somewhat joystick specific, so do a search on your joystick settings for IL2. I have the X52 and I still have to adjust them depending on how often I fly. I started out with the standard 10.20.30.......100 settings and kept moving them up to the point where I could just barely fly the thing:)) The point is, find the edge of your comfort zone.
6. Start out going against an easy ememy airplane like the DC-3 or something like that. Just to get used to your sights. Than move on against the harder planes like the zero. Start against one than move on to as many as the sim will take. Remember your invincible and this is gonna be great target practice. I wouldn't go against a faster plane because the little bastards tend to run away from you and you'll wind up flying to long and get frustrated.
7. Don't get pissed and have fun:))))))