Why are those taxiways and perimeter tracks in such a bright colour?
The bright colour taxiways and perimeter tracks come from the original map. The airfield plates are objects, not textures, and as far as I know, there are three ways to change them:
1) edit manually hundreds of plates - I'd rather avoid that for obvious reasons
2) edit actors with Zuti's actors management tool - I'd be delighted if someone helped me with it, as this prog proved too complicated for me
3) I came up with a different idea. Here's the same airfield with the old 'desert' taxiways, and with 'earthy' ones:
Now the airfields blend nicely into the landscape. What I did was to put an extra folder in my MODS folder. I called it '00_NoSandyAirfields'. It includes files which change sandy taxiways to earthy ones - BUT, mind you - on all maps. Of course, not permanently. If you want the sandy stuff back, just remove the folder from your MODS folder. This is how Bee changed the bright colored roads on his recent Rabaul map.
Is everybody OK with the last method? Pls let me know what you think
In fact, if you have Rabaul map installed, you'll see the roads repainted by Bee on this map, too. For example, the perimeter track on this airfield: