
I am glad to present to the community my second, but big enough and always extending and refreshing project in the sphere of IL-2 mods -
New Armor Pack, version 5.1
Added in v3.0- SU-122
- KV-85
- T-34-100 LB-1
- T-44-100 LB-1
- Churchill Mk.III
- Matilda Black Prince
- 8,8-cm PaK-43 JagdTiger
- VK 45.02 Ausf. B
Added in v3.1- ISU-130
Added in v3.2- ISU-152-1
- Aufkl. Panther
Added in v4.0No new added, changed classfiles, new simplified (I hope) instruction to install.
Added in v4.1Corrected entries for the chief.ini.
Added in v4.2SU-76 (early). Thank you very much wcat for the 3D model!
Added in v5.0- T-34, 1940
- T-34-57
- KV-1, 1942
- KV-2-107
- KV-9
- Type 4 Kenu
- Type 5 O-He (Japanese copy of the Tiger I)
- Pz.IV Schmalturm
- Pz.V/IV
- Pz.KV-IA 753 (r)
- SturmPz.KV-II 754 (r)
Detailed description is
hereDeleted:- T-34-100 LB-1
- T-44-100 LB-1
- ISU-152-1 (renamed to ISU-152BM)
- VK 45.02 Ausf. BAdded in v5.1- new .sfs with added IS-100, 3D model of which missed the 5.0 version because of my inattention
- ShinHoTo Chi-Ha tank is deleted from class files, it was planning for this pack,
but western0221 has independently made it earlier
Download (version 5.1)Credits:1C Games, Daidalos Team - the source 3D models of the vehicles
wcat, wingflur - conversion of the 3D models from "Theatre of War" game
western0221 - help in creating Java classes (versions of the mod before 4.0)
Gio963tto - help in editing 3D (versions of the mod before 5.0)
Particular thanks to wcat for SU-76 conversion from the "Theatre of War" game 
I hope there shouldn't be any problems with different game versions

But, please, download the QF-6 pounder mod if you have crash in the 4.09/4.10
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic=42937.0.htmlIf not helps, put here your log...
Have a nice flights and fights