Hi Everyone!
(Post Edited 17.10.2022)C-130 Pack Beta. UPDATE 17.10.2022!
skreen by Mission_Bug (early version 2014)
I want to express appreciation for the creation slot, classes, weapons and support for the development 3D - Mission_bug!
Thank you very much!
In the pack includes modifications: C-130 transport, KC-130 tanker and an AC-130 Gunship.
For a successful installation, you will need 4101/4122 + SASmodakt, jet era and AC-47.
Attention! Previous link is deleted. The latest version used cockpit C-47/AC-47 with gunsight and adapted to 4 engines (added instruments). Please delete the previous version and reload it.
Link to old version (2014):https://www.mediafire.com/download/9224y5h4ify0wxw/0_C-130__PACK_BETA_1.5.7zInstallation: unzip in your folder "MODS", "SAS", "DBW".
Add to Air.ini:
C_130A air.C_130A 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
AC_130 air.AC_130 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
KC_130A air.KC_130A 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
In this version added cargo and paratroopers for the C-130, refueling capability for F-84G3 with KC-130 and loading arms for AC-130 based on the AC-47.
For F-84G3 fuel rod moved to fuel tank of the left wing. KC-130 is only one refueling line on the right wing.
Fuel line appears when the aircraft height of over 1,000 meters.
To refuel F-84G3 from KC-130 will need to download and replace the following file in the folder F-84G3,
after making a backup copy.
https://www.mediafire.com/download/uaxoabhvxdfxt83/E579552CDF635FE2.7zThen F-84G3 can refuel from the KC-130 but can not from KB-29p.
Made for changes in the overall 3D for all models.
Improved stability, the brake efficiency and agility while taxiing runway.
Now the ver. 1.5 is used cockpit C-47/AC-47 with gunsight and adapted to 4 engines (added instruments),
as an alternative you can use the B-24 cockpit adapted for the C-130.
https://www.mediafire.com/download/o97lh8b0lrm82lx/Alternative_cockpit_KC-130A(B-24).7zTo replace an existing cockpit, make a backup, delete the default cockpit and unpacking a new one.
Here is a link for
Self Stationaries Planes for the three Hercules frankens from Mission_bug:
https://www.mediafire.com/?ks2d26cmd6y16c6I apologize for the bugs in 3D and DM.
Special thanks for the mods used to model:
1C: Maddox Games for IL-2
Mission_Bug - slot,classes,weapons,3D
Western0221 for A-4E Skyhawk "Buddy Tanker"
SAS ~ CirX for the Tu-4
GJE52 for KJ-1
Checkyersix for AC-47
Verhangnis - DC-3
Ranwers - for cockpits to C-47,DC-3, B-24, B-29
Vpmedia - DC-3 skins
Max_thehitman - DC-3 skins
Hayat for default skins C-47, DC-3
Ectoflyer - meshes, TGA-files, C-54
Bison_M - frankenplaning AC-130, C-130, KC-130
And to all those who I have not mentioned in this list.
========================================== 2022 ========================================
Link to update 2022:https://www.mediafire.com/file/phm4zlybr11kl9h/C-130_family_v.1.61_beta.7z/file
Info about ver. 1.61 here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg755851.html#msg755851Thanks to Bwf for the test in vpJetPack and 409:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg755868.html#msg755868Next (alternative) version (
patch to C130J) - an upgrade of the existing C-130 to the C-130J version:

Сorrected link:https://www.mediafire.com/file/5ou48tmuy44xtce/C-130_family_v.1.61_patch_to_C130J.7z/fileThere are only minor visual changes here - the replacement of propellers with six-blade ones (thanks to Mikoyan99 and his Grumman Hawkeye mod!).
Installation patch:
1. Back up the previous version 2022.
2. Unpack and place in the folder with C-130 Family.
3. With a replacement - agree.
4. Change line in plane.properties:
C_130A Lockheed C-130J Hercules, 1999
Links to UPD cockpits:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg756541.html#msg756541Link to KC-130J Harvest Hawk:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg756736.html#msg756736
Alternative version C-130 pack (all in one):https://www.mediafire.com/file/x0k9qua8votvfd5/C-130_family_v.1.75%252Bfixes%2526patches.7z/fileVersion 2.0 beta:https://www.mediafire.com/file/djp6vjs8ktc9xrn/C-130_family_wer.2.0.beta.7z/filehttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg757757.html#msg757757Version 2.2 beta:https://www.mediafire.com/file/11varkvpqn1tneo/AC-130H-121022.7z/filehttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg758078.html#msg758078Version 2.3 beta:https://www.mediafire.com/file/0mce2rxwykpg2u2/C-130_family_ver.2.3_17th_October_2022.7z/filehttps://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40811.msg758575.html#msg758575Enjoy!
