Personally I congratulate you on all your campaigns!
Lately, you missed them all!
But you know I prefer the countryside are MTO!
Sorry, I do not understand...
And long ago I learned that for every 100 downloads = 1 thank you!
My average is even lower... But I miss not only a minimal gratitude by the user, but also some competent feedback. For instance, how is it possible, I wonder, that among the 624 guys that downloaded so far my three Vichy-French campaigns NONE commented the
miracle I did to have (in a "clean" way) French playing for Blue side?
Epervier, you know the work we did (to make another example) to improve Hurricane and Zero; I can't recall a single guy who did a comment like:<<Long last! We've that gauges working!>>, or <<I've evidence that you set wrong values>>.
Are we so superficial? Is there a mass that can't comment and few experts that won't? I didn't expect the Royal Society, but as a fan of history and techs I would have welcomed sharing a bit more than the pure game.
Whiskey_Sierra_972Thanks for encouragement. My campaign will be updated soon...